  • 學位論文

台灣社會企業生態系統初探: 以高齡市場商機為例

A Preliminary Study of Social Enterprises in Taiwan: With Focus in Senior Care Industry

指導教授 : 謝明慧


全球經濟快速發展,科技日新月異,看似帶給世人無限福祉,可是在世界各地卻不間斷地產生環境汙染、貧富不均、氣候暖化、高齡無助、種族歧視、、、等社會問題。上世紀末新興崛起於歐美的社會企業組織,不同於政府單位、慈善團體、非營利組織,它們採用商業運作模式經營產品或服務,努力尋求解決社會問題的方法,除達成公益目的外,同時也以永續經營為目標。 近年來,台灣社會企業借鏡學習歐美社會企業經營成功、且有效改善社會問題的影響,社會企業本身及其環伺的整個生態系統共生、共享、共榮的蓬勃發展,加上系統環境裡的利害關係人成員,個個盡力發揮功能,分別扮演教育宣傳、顧問諮詢、財務支援、輔導支持、社群建置等角色,對於台灣社會企業的發展及協助解決社會問題有著推波助瀾的影響。 台灣地區的社會企業大多是規模較小,資源有限,相較於歐美社會企業的組織龐大且資源豐厚,除了學習歐美的社會企業發展,和台灣地緣接近、文化相似、人口特質相仿的日本、香港、韓國,同時也有許多值得我們學習參考的地方。快速邁入高齡社會是全世界共業,台灣將於2025年快速進入超高齡社會,長照法去年才剛通過,一切配套措施說的比做的多,大批的高齡人口恐怕會壓垮台灣的經濟。本論文深入訪談二十餘位台灣社會企業從業人員,非常感動台灣高齡社會企業自立自強、創新創業案例不在少數,特別值得提出討論的有:政昇處方宅配藥局解決藥事不公平制度,多扶接送將心比心給老殘身障安全的行,瑪帛科技老吾老以及人之老為思念搭橋,全球定位科技建置村里平安箱運用團購力量幫助弱勢老人。 繼台灣IT科技島後,高齡市場商機或可成為智慧健康的新興產業,能帶動多元需求產值,對社會經濟、多元就業,及高齡社會健康照護等都有正面的影響。年輕人透過科技創新、勇於冒險積極投入社會企業,銀退族群以豐富的經營管理、人才培育的經驗,世代共生、共享、共榮,青銀共創定可推動高齡社會企業新商機。


While the global economy is growing rapidly and technology is advancing in each passing day, these changes may seem to bring our world unlimited benefits but in the meantime we are also seeing pollution, inequality, global warming, aging seniors, racism…etc. issues accompanied by these changes. Social enterprises established during end of last century in US and Europe try to solve some of these issues by selling products and services. Unlike government, charity and Non-Profit Organization, these social enterprises make profits via commercial operations and use the profits to solve social problems and/or giving to charity at the same time. In recent years, social enterprises in Taiwan were able to establish sustainable business to help improve social problems and their impact to our society. Each of the stake holders in this eco system formed by these social enterprises played various roles in communication, consulting, financial and counseling support and community building, these social enterprises started a new wave of influences to the overall social enterprise development and solutions to associated social problems. Compared to western social enterprises that are developed with abundant resources and on much bigger scale, most social enterprises in Taiwan are on the contrary developed with limited resources and much smaller. To learn from geographic, cultural and population similarities like Japan, Hong Kong and Korea can be another option other than being a western follower. Seniors aging at a high speed is a world-wide issue with Taiwan being forecasted to face it in 2025. We just passed Long-term care law in 2015. Before everything else can fall in line with the law passed, Taiwan economy can be dragged down by increasing number of aging seniors considering there is more said than done. In order to complete our research, we have interviewed more than 20 relevant individuals dedicated to the development of social enterprises in Taiwan. Our findings are exciting that although not much support provided, there are quite some numbers of social enterprises successfully established and growing strong. We would like to mention especially iHealth that solved the unfair prescription services issue, Deufo that provided handicapped people innovative transportation services, Mabow that brings family member type of care to elderly, and X4GPS that does the real CSR on demand. “Taiwan Technology Island” focus can be followed by newly developed aging seniors market as part of smart health sector. This newly developed business can have positive influence on social economy, job opportunities and aging society healthcare that leads to diversified needs and output values. We hope to bring together the younger generation with technology innovations and the capable retirees with tremendous business management experience and take on more new initiatives in social enterprises era to come.


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