  • 學位論文


The biology and conservation of the black-winged firefly, Luciola cerata Olivier (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)

指導教授 : 楊平世


保育生物學為一整合性科學,涵蓋自然、社會及人文科學之研究成果,以應用於保育策略之制訂與執行。黑翅螢(Luciola cerata Olivier)為臺灣特有種,在臺灣除台東、墾丁地區外,廣泛分佈於海拔1500公尺以下無光害污染之平地與山區,為臺灣賞螢季節之主要觀賞物種之一。本研究包含三個生物學研究,黑翅螢之形態、不同地區黑翅螢閃光模式之差異、黑翅螢雄蟲之二形性對於性擇之影響及一項社會科學研究—阿里山地區螢火蟲生態產業產值調查,共四個不同研究主題已做為日後制定黑翅螢之保育策略之基礎。黑翅螢屬中型螢火蟲,其溝通系統為HP系統,即雌蟲回應雄蟲閃光之閃光持續時間極為固定,約0.07~0.09秒。在臺灣中部之4月份,雄蟲夜間之閃光活動時間可區分為三階段,第一階段從18:40~19:01,為暖身期;第二階段為活動期,由19:02~21:39;最後階段為休息期,由21:40~23:39;各階段雄蟲之閃光持續時間、閃光間隔時間及雄蟲數量皆有不同,而雄蟲飛行及爬行之閃光模式,可能為雄蟲之間相互競爭的方式。黑翅螢雄蟲具二形性,可依第二發光節之外形,區分成五角形及半橢圓形雄蟲,在不同性比之室內試驗中,在雄蟲比例較高時,雌蟲偏好與五角形雄蟲交尾;相較於與半橢圓形雄蟲交尾之雌蟲,與五角形雄蟲交尾者,能產下更多的卵,但當雌蟲比例較高時,雌蟲雖仍偏好與五角型雄蟲交尾,但對於半橢圓形雄蟲之雌蟲閃光回應時間則減少。本研究另於 2007 年 6 月至 2008 年 2 月止,以問卷成功訪問了 31 家賞螢活動興盛之阿里山地區民宿業者,結果得知業者經營賞螢活動平均 7.5 年,以春、夏季為主;導覽解說賞螢時段在18:00~21:00間,每晚一場;並推估阿里山地區民宿活動年營收約為 9 億 3 仟 1 百萬元。賞螢季 (4 月至 6 月) 業者總營收約 52,654,560 元,約占全年營收之 28.67%;非賞螢季 (7 月至次年 3 月)業者總營收 131,011,920 元,約占全年營收之 71.33%;賞螢季的月營收約 17,551,520 元 (54%),顯著高於非賞螢季之月營收 14,556,880 元 (46%),證實賞螢活動對於民宿及旅行業者所帶來的收益甚高。本研究最後建議:良好規劃之賞螢活動及持續的螢火蟲生態教育,是保育黑翅螢之較佳方式;但賞螢活動需有足夠之解說人員,以免少數遊客捕捉螢火蟲造成干擾;而賞螢活動所創造之利益亦需部分回歸社區,方能促使當地社區居民有意願持續投入螢火蟲之保育工作。


Conservation biology is an integrated science, the studying results of nature, applying, social and humane science could be used in the management of conservation strategies. The black winged firefly, Luciola cetata Olivier is endemic to Taiwan, and also the main watching species in firefly-watching season. It is wide-separated firefly species under altitude of 1500 meter beside Taitung and Kenting area. It is the most abundant in the unlit mountain area. The topics of this study are three biological studying and one social science studying; these are the studying of morphology, the bioluminescence of L. cerata within a night, the dimorphism and sexual selection of male L.cerata and the out value of firefly eco-industry in Mt. Ali area. The results of these studies could become the basic of the conservation strategy for L. cerata., L. cerata is middle firefly, the communication system are HP system, it means that the female response delay time was fix, about 0.07~0.09 sec. The flashing behavior of male L. cerata could devided to three stages. The first stage is warm-up stage, 18: 40~ 19:01, then the active stage, 19:02~21:39; the last one is resting stage, 21:40~23:39. The time of flashing duration, interval and male numbers in each stage are different. The male L. cerata has dimorphism, pentagonal and semi-oval male upon the sharp of the 2nd light segment. In the laboratory experiment with different sex ratios, when the male ratio were high, female preferred mating with pentagonal male and laid more eggs than the female matted with semi-oval male. Female still preferred mating with pentagonal male in relative high female ratio, the female response delay to semi-oval male was decreased. The income of the guesthouse manager and firefly watching tour operators in the Mt. Ali area was collected by questionnaire from Jun, 2007 to Feb, 2008. The data from 31 operators were collected. The average operators were 7.5 years. Tours were mainly conducted mainly during the spring and summer months. Firefly watching tours were conducted between 6-9:00 p.m., lasted about 1 hour, and the guesthouse guests were given one free tour per evening. The total travel business income in the Mt. Ali area amounted to NTD 931,000,000 annually. The annual income of the guesthouse manager during the firefly watching season (from Apr. to Jun.) and the rest of the year were NTD 52,654,560 dollars (28.67%) and NTD 131,011,920 dollars (71.33%), respectively. The monthly incomes during the firefly watching period and the non-firefly watching months were NTD 17,551,520 and NTD 14,556,880 respectively, which was a significant difference (p = 0.023, δ < 0.05). The results show that firefly watching in the Mt. Ali area is beneficial to the guesthouse manager. This study suggests that a limited firefly-watching activity, well-planning firefly-watching season project and the continuing firefly ecological education are relative suitable methods for the conservation of L. cerata.


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