  • 學位論文


Effects of Relationship Benefits and Relationship Quality on Customer Loyalty -Example of Medical Cosmetology Clinic

指導教授 : 林能白


背景:醫學美容市場競爭的激烈劇增,一家醫學美容診所如何在大環境中求得生存,是許多經營者首當其衝所面臨的困難。傳統行銷在醫療產業當中一直都是很敏感且容易觸法的區塊,因此經營者應思考是否以關係行銷做取代。關係行銷是透過維繫醫療提供者與顧客之間的長期關係來建立彼此的信任、滿意度與忠誠等態度,為組織創造價值。相較之下關係行銷較優於傳統行銷,因此關係行銷的概念逐年流行,許多診所開始投入資源與顧客維繫長期且友好的關係,以利診所日後的營運。因此本研究將探討關係行銷在醫學美容產業裡是否具有正面的效果,是否能為診所創造更多價值,以利診所的順利營運及永續經營。 目的:本研究將探討關係行銷是否能增強診所與顧客彼此之間的關係品質,進而鞏固顧客對診所的忠誠度。此外,還加入了顧客特性與顧客自認花費程度的高低來做為調節變項,觀察在不同的情形之下,關係利益與關係品質之間的反應是否會受到影響。 方法:本研究為橫斷性研究,以立意取樣選取六家位於台北市的醫學美容診所,並且針對該六家診所的顧客進行問卷發放。共發放500 份問卷,共回收387份,有效問卷為352份,以SPSS18.0 進行統計分析。 結論:本研究發現,關係利益與關係品質之間存在著正向關係,當診所投入良好的關係利益時,與顧客之間的關係品質也越良好。關係品質與顧客忠誠度之間也存在著正向關係,當顧客與診所的關係品質越良好,其顧客忠誠度越高。此外,關係利益之社會利益與關係品質之間也會受到年齡的影響,當社會利益投入相同時,年齡越輕的顧客,其關係品質越良好。最後,關係利益之社會利益與關係品質之間的關係也會受到顧客自認消費程度高低的影響,當社會利益相同時,自認花費越高的顧客其關係品質越良好。


Background : In the highly competitive medical cosmetology market, how to maintain core values and how to survive through competitions are the two most challenging issues faced by managers. Traditional marketing tactics is always sensitive to apply and easily to break the regulation in the medical industry. In contrast, Relationship Marketing is a method through maintaining the relationship between medical cosmetology providers and consumers in order to build up long term loyalty and trust, as well as creating values for the organization. Compare to Traditional Marketing, Relationship Marketing is a better strategy to implement, therefore more and more organizations are investing efforts and resources to cultivate partnership with their clients. Hence, creating long-term and excellent relationship with customers becoming an ultimate goal for managers. Objectives : Purpose of this research is to investigate whether Relationship Marketing increases the Relationship Quality between clinics and customers, for further improvement and customer loyalty use. Moreover, this research also includes demographic study and customer cognition of expenditure level. The above two factors mentioned are the moderators to exam the correlation between Relationship Quality and Relationship Benefits. Methodology : This research is a cross-sectional survey which inquired 352 participants in 6 medical cosmetology clinics. A structured questionnaire was designed and extended to customers who receive services from medical cosmetology clinic. The responsive questionnaires were analyzed by using the statistics software package SPSS18.0 for Windows. Conclusion : The research indicates the close correlation between Relationship Quality and Relationship Benefits. When organizations invest in Relationship Benefits, the Relationship Quality with clients would improve then it would lead to strong customer loyalty with clinics. Furthermore, age is another factor affects Relationship Quality. Younger consumers are not easily affected by surroundings. Therefore, the younger clients make, the stranger Relationship Quality they have with clinics. Correlation between Relationship Quality and Socail Benefit also impacted by customer cognition of expenditure level. Research demonstrates that the better Relationship Quality between clients and clinics, the more willing to spend and stay with organizations by consumers.


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