  • 學位論文


A Novel Business Model of Innovative Product with Precision Marketing

指導教授 : 游張松


隨著電腦網路與移動通訊技術的興起,許多創業機會孕育而生。但是現有廠商已佔有市場優勢,新進創業者該如何有效地開發創新實體產品、突破重圍,引發了本文的研究動機。在傳統的商業模式中,設計師無法精準掌握消費者需求與需求量,而且得生產出實體產品,經過許多中間商,才能到消費者手中,不但耗費時間也讓成本提高,使得新進設計師難以創業成功。而變形後的商業模式:「通路為王」、「品牌為王」,依然無法完全改善上述問題,且設計師在其中的影響力小。 為了解決這些問題,本研究提出一個新的雲端平台商業模式「創新產品之精準行銷商業模式」,改善了創新實體產品開發的流程,並以ModCloth、蘋果公司、音樂CD產業做為驗證分析的應用個案。透過雲端平台整合了趨勢、品牌、通路等角色,縮短了設計師與消費者之間的距離,創造出了虛擬的價值創新循環﹝VCC﹞,讓兩方可以直接互動溝通。設計師將少量的創新產品放在雲端平台上,便可以在全世界廣大的消費者面前曝光,消費者則藉由預購、投票的方式,讓廠商能精準掌握消費者的需求及流行趨勢,進而精準行銷、精準生產。因著中間商減少、成本降低,設計師一方面可以降價來回饋消費者,提高消費者剩餘,使產品更具競爭力;另一方面也節省了在傳統價值鏈上各環節的交易成本,消除了市場摩擦,提高了設計師剩餘,買賣雙方達成了雙贏的局面。所以設計師要創業,可以加入或者是打造雲端平台,直接與消費者互動,創造虛擬VCC;雲端平台應整合起趨勢、品牌、通路,讓虛擬VCC提升實體VCC的效率。


With the growth of the Internet, there are many opportunities for entrepreneurs. However, existing competitors already have first-mover advantages; it makes it harder for new entries to compete with them. In traditional value chains, designers could not know the needs of consumers precisely. The entire process of a new product development would go through several middle vendors, which not only increase a huge market friction, but also waste time. To solve these problems, this study proposes a new business model of cloud platform for development of innovative products, called “A Novel Business Model of Innovative Product with Precision Marketing”. This study analyzes ModCloth, Apple, and the music industry as cases to prove that the business model works. The cloud platforms create a virtual value creation cycle (VCC). It shortens the distance between designers and consumers, so that both parties can communicate directly with each other. Designers can show their innovative products in front of consumers through the cloud platforms. Consumers can express their needs by pre-ordering or voting, so that designers will be able to collect the precise needs and fashion trends. Therefore designers can do precision marketing and precision manufacturing. It will cause lower price and increase the consumer surplus, making the products more competitive. On the other hand, compared to traditional value chains, designers also save time and cost in eliminating the market frictions and to increasing the designer surplus. The virtual VCC can therefore improve the efficiency of substance VCC.


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