  • 學位論文


Electrophoresis in a Concentrated Dispersion of Polymeric Drops with a Charge-Regulated Surface

指導教授 : 李克強


本篇論文探討具有表面調節現象(surface with charge regula-tion)之高分子液滴於電解質溶液中之分散系統的電泳行為,液滴表面的吸附物(如界面活性劑)之官能基發生解離反應而使液滴帶電,在外加電場的作用下,液滴受到電力而泳動。 我們以卡羅流體模型(Carreau model fluid)描述高分子液滴流體在牛頓電解質溶液中的流動情形,並採用Kuwabara的單位細胞模型(unit cell model)來描述此微乳液系統。 在低表面電位及弱外加電場的假設下,利用假性光譜法(pseudo-spetral method)及牛頓-拉福生疊代法(Newton-Raphson iteration scheme)求解電位及流場方程式。 研究結果發現,當卡羅流體之冪次方指數n值愈小或時間常數


The electrophoretic behavior of a concentrated dispersion of polymeric drops with charge-regulated surface in an aqueous dispersion medium is analyzed theoretically under the conditions of low zeta potential and uniformly weak applied electric field. The results obtained provide theoretical basis for the characterization of the nature of a microemulsion system. Carreau model is adopted to characterize the shearing-thinning nature of the polymeric drops, and Kuwabara’s unit cell model is adopted to simulate the dispersion. The surface of a drop contains dissociable functional groups, which will dissociate to make the drop bear negative charges. In general, the more significant the shear-thinning nature of drop fluid is, or the higher the surface charge density is, or the lower the concentration of drops is, the larger the mobility is.


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