  • 學位論文


The Stakeholder Analysis forProtected Area Management and Planning-- Case Study of Ci-Hu Area in Kinmen Island

指導教授 : 王鑫


權益關係人分析是實踐釵h參與式自然資源管理的基礎。自然保護區經營在新一波統理(governance)思潮的衝擊下,如何有效維護環境資源而又能兼顧各關係人的權益及利害訴求?是當前保護區面臨的重大考驗。本研究則針對權益關係人分析中,關係人之界定及其重要性與影響力的評估方法提出具體建議,並以金門慈湖地區為例進行探討。 研究的第一階段邀請17位金門國家公園管理處各部門實際負責社區與資源管理工作之相關承辦人員,實施三次焦點團體訪談。目的是找出究竟誰是這個計畫中的「權益關係人」?結果顯示這個個案的權益關係人可歸納為四類共37項。第二階段則針對前階段訪談結果,邀請22位專家,經過三次疊慧法評估(Delphi method),判斷該37項權益關係人在保護區管理計畫應有的「重要性」高低及其實際「影響力」大小。 研究結果參考英國前海外發展署(ODA)的權益關係人分析矩陣,本案例中分別找出了(1)當地農民等5項關係人需要能力建置(empowerment),(2)國家公園管理體系、地方行政體系與當地居民、漁塭地主等14項關係人應建立緊密的夥伴關係,(3)對於立法委員等3項關係人應予妥善告知及追蹤聯繫,(4)而農委會、遊客及開發業者等15項關係人則需維持有限的追蹤聯繫。研究結論嘗試提出對ODA模式的修正建議,希望這個分析方法更能符合公眾對於社會公平正義與資源保育效能的期待。


Stakeholder analysis is the foundation of participatory natural resources managements. It is difficult to balance the interests of all stakeholders and the effectiveness of conservation in the protected area simultaneously. This research is a case study of Ci-Hu area in Kinmen Island and focus on stakeholder analysis. This research also make suggestions about improvement of “identification of stakeholders” and “evaluation their importance and influence”. In the first phase of the research, 17 staffs of Kinmen National Park Service were invited and divided into 3 focus groups who helped to identify 37 stakeholders concerns in 4 categories of the management and planning issues in this case. In the second phase, 22 experts were invited for 3 rounds of Delphi to evaluate the “importance” and the “influence” of all the stakeholders. Following the ODA’s model of stakeholders analysis, this research identified: (1) 5 stakeholders including local-on-site farmers need to be empowered; (2) 14 stakeholders including national park, local government, residents and landowners should form a closer partnership; (3) 3 stakeholders including members of legislative assembly need to be carefully informed and to keep contact; (4) 15 stakeholders including the Council of Agriculture, visitors and the developers need only loose exchange of information. Following a discussion of ODA’s and IIED’s model of stakeholders analysis, this research offers a new model which infused the concepts of Utilitarian and Rawlsian approaches of stakeholders strategy proposed by Freeman(1984). This new model conforms better to the expectation of so-called social justice and conservation effectiveness.


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