  • 學位論文

資訊對大學畢業生西進謀職決策之影響 -ELM模式之運用

A Study of How Information Affecting Collage Graduated Students’ Job Searching Decision of Migrating to China -Using ELM Model

指導教授 : 辛炳隆


由於近年中國經濟快速崛起,兩岸政經交流亦繁盛下,台灣大學畢業生西進中國大陸就業意願也逐漸提升。 本研究欲探討資訊對勞動之遷徙意願是否有影響,故透過正反不同資訊的揭露,檢驗有關ELM理論的論述。即資訊對個體意願態度的影響係透過中介因子-認知。在資訊對認知的影響上,又會因個體的認知需求與對該議題的涉入程度不同而有所差異。 研究結果顯示:1.正反面不同資訊對於正面或負面的認知有顯著的影響。 2.不同的認知需求與涉入程度下,資訊對認知的影響並無差異。 3.資訊透過中介因子認知來影響意願態度的效果,並不顯著。


Abstract As a result of China’s fast economic growth and the frequent communications between Cross-Strait economics and politics recent years, Taiwan’s collage graduated students are much willing to find a job of migrating to China. This study concerning about whether and how information affect the willing of labor migrating. Therefore, we took the Elaboration Likelihood Model to analysis it. In the model, we suggest that Information affect the willing and attitude through a intervening variable-cognition. And how information affect the cognition are moderated by two factors, issue involvement and need for cognition. The results are summarized as follow : 1. Positive or negative information did have a great influence of positive or negative cognition. 2. The moderate effects which cost by issue involvement and need of cognition are not significant. 3. The effect that Information affecting willing and attitude through the intervening variable-cognition is not significant.


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