  • 學位論文


Use System Simulation for Programming Emergency Medical Operations: Allocated the Most Appropriate and Performance Evaluation

指導教授 : 蘇喜


背景 近年來急診室醫療品質成為各界關注的焦點,對急診病人和醫院來說,急診部門是非常重要的一環,因為當急性病痛無法獲得處理,不僅身心受創,甚至可能有生命上的危險,急診病人必須先經由急診醫師完成適當治療處理再做後續治療。急診人口增加,是世界性的趨勢,而急診在社會上扮演著守護全體國民健康第一道防線的重要角色,面對國內快速成長的急診人口,急診照護品質確實令人重視。國內各大醫院(醫學中心)之急診單位的醫療服務無法與院內各部科充分有效的溝通及運作,因而造成醫療健康服務品質無法滿足病人的需求,例如:較長的病人等候時間,病床數量不夠,及急診室病人人數過度壅塞。為求提昇高品質的緊急醫療救護服務,本研究將以台灣中部地區公立醫學中心作為實際模擬作業環境,運用系統模擬技術來建構研究對象的模型,並利用改變不同的系統參數設定(亦即不同的急診室人員數量及醫療設備配置)來分析不同的急診室作業配置之效率。本研究使用個案醫院2010年1月至12月急診部病人66,095人次,就醫處置檔與就醫人次檔合併後且經留觀60,366人次進行研究與探討。本實驗結果將提供病人更有效率、更安全、與更專業的急診醫療作業,再則醫護人員則更可提昇其醫療作業的效率。運用系統模擬規劃急診醫療作業並找出急診部過度壅塞之衡量,與運用系統模擬規劃資料包絡分析法進行急診人力資源配置分配最合適化及績效評比,為醫學中心急診部門未來組織流程變革之參考,對急重症醫療具有重要文獻價值。 目的 1.利用離散事件模擬(Discrete Event Simulation, DES)的理論基礎,建構出一個急診病人就診流程模型,驗證並確認,瞭解目前系統是否有瓶頸的存在。 2.瞭解對象醫院急診單位之作業流程,急診病人之各類特質分佈,各項作業之時間分佈,急診病人之等候狀況。 3.以電腦模型模擬病人就診流程問題,藉由修改流程縮短病人等候時間與提昇品質,減少資源浪費。 4.研究急診流程時間的影響因素,進一步了解這些因素對各種檢傷分類時間變異的影響程度。 5.應用於對象醫院急診部資源分佈系統模擬規劃。並找出急診部過度壅塞之衡量,與運用系統模擬規劃資料包絡分析法,進行急診人力資源配置分配最合適化及績效評估。 方法 1. 分析現有急診單位之作業流程。 研究變項參數部分依照急診區域的不同將急診流程分為四塊主要區域進行探討,分別為檢傷區域(Triage Room,TR)、主要診間 (Main Emergency Department,MED)部分、急救室(Resuscitation Room,RR)部分、留觀區 (Observation Unit,OU)部分;目標是要找到醫生,護士,病床的組合,以提高效率與每個班次期間,檢傷區間、主要診間、急救室、留觀區及醫師,護士,病床數量最大限度的使用率。依據急診作業流程圖,以研究變項及參數部分輸入至模型中,建立之模擬模型;透過模擬軟體Simul8模擬中部某公立醫學中心急診室2010年1月至12月,得到輸出結果(急診醫學科、外傷科、獨立科及兒科),透過Simul8模擬軟體的模擬,每相隔兩小時計算一次國家急診部過度壅塞衡量(NEDOCS)值,一天共統計12個NEDOCS值;可知急診單位的狀態。 2.與醫師以及急診相關人員進行訪談,討論急診運作流程,以及執行經驗。 3.與系統開發工程師討論架構以及所需技術。 4.規劃流程圖。 結果 本研究以中部某公立醫學中心急診部2010年1月至12月之急診病人數量,共66,095人次。經由調查統計分析所需60,366人數;由統計資料可知,病人人數集中在一、二、三級,其中又以二、三級人數最多。其中星期日急診病人人數最多(n= 196人),每日平均165人;而每小時平均到達病人人數,在早上8點至下午4點這段早班時段為急診病人的巔峰時段,次之為下午4點至凌晨12點的小夜班時段。透過Simul8模擬軟體的模擬,每隔兩小時計算一次NEDOCS值,一天共統計12個NEDOCS值;可知急診室大於 90%的時間都處於擁塞的狀態。模型驗證經敏感度分析與t檢定來驗證模型的效度以及正確性。資源配置效率分析: 經由限制篩選後,總共組合數共有44組,各資源配置組合(決策單位)所獲得相對效率值與現況DMU1的比較為DMU5、 DMU12 、DMU21、 DMU22 、DMU23及 DMU24;但DMU5增加醫師人數在急診室作業較為無助人力改善作業。其中以DMU12即醫師於急救室:9名、主要診間:16名、留觀區:11名;護理人員於急救室:9名、主要診間:13名、留觀區為16名,即可達到高效率醫療作業。以DMU12三班制呈現輪值且高效率決策單位,為最合適醫療作業;以醫護工作人數資源配置、效率、效果及精實管理之下,DMU12為分配最合適化。同樣,在低效率之下(<0.9) 相同等待時間之績效評估,其中以DMU2 最合適化的醫護人員的三班制作業。 結論 本研究我們提出了一種混合的方法,結合離散事件模擬(DES)和資料包絡分析法(DEA)模型提供最佳的業組合決策單位方案。多個替代組合決策單位的效率及達到一個更豐富的基準分析。以醫護工作人數資源配置、效率、效果及精實管理之下,且運用系統模擬規劃急診醫療作業,可以完成分配最合適化及績效評估。


Background In recent years, increasing patient census and department overcrowding are universal concerns in emergency department of medical center. Accurate predictions of patient flow and resource utilization in the emergency department are important in determining what aspects of emergency department operation could be modified to improve patient flow, reduce patient waiting times, and increase staff efficiency and morale, and thus direct change more effectively. In order to reach higher quality of emergency department operations based on teaching hospital as principle operating environment. We developed to use a computer simulation model of emergency department operations using simulation software (Simul 8). This model uses multiple levels of preemptive patient priority; assigns each patient to an individual nurse and physician; incorporates all standard tests, procedures, and consultations; and allows patient service processes to proceed simultaneously, sequentially, repetitively, or a combination of these to provide patients more efficient and professional medical care in emergency department. In other words, medical professionals can act against the clock, and reach the highest objective of life saving in emergency medical environment. This study is set forth to examine whether the quality and efficiency of emergency care will be improved by adjusting the order of procedures in the ED. This study used 66,095 records of emergency patients in an emergency department of a medical center from 2010-1 to 2010-12. We got some valuable points (N=60,366) from this study in considering re-engineering of emergency room in medical centers, which filled up the gaps of current understandings and myths of organizational restructures. Objectives 1.Use the discrete event simulates (DES) rationale to build a model for the emergency patients to receive a proper medical diagnostic flow. Verify and valid it feasibility. 2.Understand the working flow of the emergency department, the special characteristic distribution of the emergency patient, the time distribution of working process and situation of patient’s waiting time in the object hospital emergency department. 3.Simulate by the system to get a model of establishing proper medical diagnostic flow, reducing the patient’s waiting time, promoting quality and reducing the wasted resources. 4.Study the factors that influence the emergency department working flow,further understand which factor affects each time variation of the triage. 5.Apply the emergency department model time’s forecast pattern to the resources distribution design of the object hospital emergency department and to find the best resolution from the National Emergency Department Overcrowding Scale. Methods 1. Analyze current emergency department operations. 2. Interview and discuss medical operating procedures and operating experience with doctors and related people. 3. Discuss the framework and technology requirement with professionals of emergency department operations. 4. Plan flow chart. Result An ED simulation model was developed involving a cooperative effort at affiliated teaching hospital with medical center in Taiwan over a year period. We developed the model with a preexisting data set, along with institutional information and expert clinician input. The ED department has a 94 non-trauma bed capacity in the ED, divided into three individual areas. Specifically, these are: the Resuscitation Room (RM), with 10 beds reserved for critical care; the Main Emergency Department (MED), with 7 fixed beds and the Observation Unit (OU), with 77 beds in the OU. In this study, we simulate a model according to the situation in ED by System Simulation Technique, and use it to analyze the waiting time and system time of NEDOCS as indicator to determine the ED flow, find the optimization ways to prove the corrected model. We apply system simulation to build an emergency simulation model, to investigate the actual resource distribution recently. Then, learn the output from different resources reallocation model, analysis the efficiency of different model by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA); compare this result with the actual situation. We use a mixed method combing DES and DEA models to identify the best performing operations across multiple alternatives. To the allocation simulation optimization and efficiency evaluation. To find DMU 12 with the optimization in the high efficiency evaluation. By the efficiency evaluation, we got DMU2 in the lower efficiency condition. Conclusion We provide a mixed method combing DES and DEA models to identify the best performing operations across multiple alternatives. The efficiency of DMUs across multiple alternatives allows for a richer benchmarking analysis to allocate simulation optimization and efficiency evaluation.


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