  • 學位論文


Reliability and validity of patient safety culture measurement with a new domain of burnout

指導教授 : 楊銘欽


研究背景:2001年美國Institute of Medicine (IOM)於跨越品質的鴻溝(Crossing the Quality Chasm)一書中提出醫療照護者應致力改善病人安全,病人安全自此成為醫療照護的重要核心價值。透過調查員工對於安全的態度與感受,可以及早偵測群體的感受形成的風氣文化,成為前驅性的安全指標,以期減少不良事件的發生 安全態度問卷(Safety Attitude Questionnaire, SAQ) 被廣泛的運用於調查機構安全風氣,但不論是中英文版的信效度研究皆指出部分構面「壓力認知」與其他構面的相關性不佳,對安全文化的解釋力偏低。可能原因為「壓力認知」構面的目的在於了解醫療人員對於個體處在壓力疲勞的情況下會影響照護安全與成效的認知程度,而非照護人員職場壓力累積的感受而影響工作的程度。 研究目的:使用「工作壓力的感受:職業倦怠」取代原病人安全態度量表的「壓力認知」構面,並測試其模型信效度,以作為發展安全文化風氣調查工具的參考。 方法:採橫斷性研究,以北部某三家醫院(醫學中心、區域醫院以及地區醫院各一)全院員工共3484人為調查對象。員工至匿名線上問卷收集系統填答,以保障隱私性。研究使用驗證性因素分析的最大概似估計法對量測模型進行估計,以了解假設模型與實際資料的契合,驗證工具的信效度。 結果:回收有效問卷965分,有效問卷回收率佔全體員工之27.7%。以護理人員回答率最高。首先將職業倦怠納入SAQ問卷成為其中一項構面成為模型一,信度指標(composite reliability, CR)在0.84到0.94間,內部一致性理想。但個別項目的信度係數有8個小於0.5,潛在變項的信度組合均大於0.8,潛在變項的平均變異抽取值有1個小於0.5,未盡理想。整體適配度指標在絕對適配度、增值適配度以及簡約適配度指標皆表現不佳。依據研究目的提出第二個模型,以職業倦怠構面取代壓力認知構面,並參考模型一的結果,刪除因素負荷小於0.5以及多元相關平方信度(Squared Multiple Correlation, SMC)小於0.5的題目,信度以及模型適配度達到理想。職業倦怠構面與病人安全態度問卷的5構面間有顯著的負相關,分別是團隊合作(r=-0.11, p≦0.01)、安全風氣(r=-0.11, p≦0.01)、工作滿意度(r=-0.26, p≦0.01)、對管理的感受(r=-0.1, p≦0.01)以及工作情況(r=-0.1, p≦0.01)。本研究所提出簡版的職業倦怠(5題)在醫療各職類有良好的信效度(0.79 ≦ Cronbach α≦0.91)。 不同的健保特約層級、年齡層、教育程度、職務類別以及異常事件通報行為有顯著不同的職業倦怠比率。醫學中心有較高的職業人員職業倦怠比率,年紀較輕、教育程度較高、護理人員以及有進行異常事件通報的人員職業倦怠率較高。建議未來的研究可以朝向進一步了解各職類職業倦怠的調節因素,以及職業倦怠如何影響照護成效以及病人安全。


Objective: Institute of Medicine (IOM) mentioned in “Crossing the quality chasm” that healthcare provider organizations should contribute to improve patient safety in 2001. Healthcare provider attitudes about organization safety are patient safety condition predictor. The Safety Attitude Questionnaire (SAQ) has been widely used in several contries to measure healthcare worker’s attitudes toward safety. Both the original SAQ and the Chinese version of the SAQ are indicated that one of the domains of safety culture, Stress Recognition, is weak correlated with other five domains. The possible reason is “Stress Recognition” domain aims to measure worker’s acknowledgement of how performance is influenced by stressors, not what level does worker perceived stressors influenced the ability to work safety. The objective of this study was to examine reliability and validity of patient safety culture measurement with a new domain of burnout. Methods: The cross-sectional surveys of three hospitals workers (including one medical center, one district hospital, and one regional hospital, n=3,484) in north Taiwan were conducted. The online anonymous survey is committed to assuring the complete confidentiality of all responses. The reliability reliability and validity of patient safety culture measurement with a new domain of burnout were examined by multilevel confirmatory factor analysis. Result: The overall response rate was 27.7%. The internal consistency of each domain was high (composite reliability: 0.84-0.94). The explanatory abilities of thirty one over thirty nine (31/39) of the core items are considered important for the corresponding domains (squared multiple correlation, SMC


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