  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Care Arrangement and Developmental Outcomes of Preschool Children from Economically Disadvantaged Families

指導教授 : 鄭麗珍


低社經是影響學齡前兒童發展的風險因素,經濟弱勢負向的影響會持續到成年,更嚴重的會產生貧窮的循環。臺灣近年來相當重視學齡前兒童托育,但缺乏以經濟弱勢兒童為主體的實證研究,致使無法了解其在托育安排的早期介入下之不同發展成效,因此,本研究檢視托育安排、托育變動的概況,並探討其對兒童發展的影響效果。 本研究採量化途徑,以經濟弱勢家庭2~4歲兒童為研究對象,使用幼兒多元智能發展量表進行調查,共回收170份有效問卷。並以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析和階層迴歸分析,分別檢視托育安排、托育變動、托育品質對於兒童發展的解釋狀況。結果顯示,白天機構式托育的三成,居家式托育的七成,年齡愈小的,父母自己照顧的比例愈高;有54.1%的兒童經歷到托育變動;在兒童發展模型中,認知、語言、社會情緒三個模型解釋變異量分別為15.5%、28%、17.3%。 根據上述研究結果,本研究建議提出相關的政策、實務和未來研究建議,期待能為經濟弱勢家庭學齡前兒童尋找一個更為積極性的預防作為。


The importance of preschool child care has been raised in Taiwanese society for decades, due to its impact on child development. However, there is a lack of evidence-based studies regarding this relationship in economically disadvantaged family, since poverty is regarded as a risk factor for poor child development. The goal of this study was to explore the effects of instability and variability of the preschool child care on child development within economically disadvantaged families. The quantitative approach has been applied in this study. A survey was conducted with Multiple Intelligences Developmental Assessment Scale for Young Children. The sample included 170 economically disadvantaged families with 2-to-4-year-old preschool children who were service users in Taiwan. The results indicated that 70% of the participants preferred family day care and almost half of the sample experienced the unstable and multiple care arrangement. The cognitive model, the language model and the social emotional model are 15.5%、28%、17.3% statistical respectively. According to the results, the implications for policy are discussed and suggestion for further research are provided. A more proactive prevention measure for preschool children from economically disadvantaged families is expected.


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