  • 學位論文


Economic Evaluation of Ecosystem Services of Tamsui Mangrove

指導教授 : 駱尚廉


紅樹林生態系是全球重要的生態系,將其生態系服務(Ecosystem services)的價值進行科學的量化評估,可為合理的規劃、利用提供可靠的科學依據,以達到環境保護和資源有效利用的目的。本研究在分析紅樹林生態系服務的基礎上,介紹生態系服務的價值評估方法,並且借鑒Costanza的研究以及國際通用生態系服務分級(Common International Classification for Ecosystem Services, CICES)的生態系服務的分類方法,分析各種服務類型評估方法的優缺點和適應性,進而以淡水河口紅樹林生態系為例,對其生態系服務的價值進行全面的評估。研究結果顯示,淡水河口紅樹林生態系服務所產生的年總價值約為239億元,平均每公頃紅樹林價值為1.48億元。其中直接服務價值為3.284億元,佔總價值比例1.37%;間接使用價值為235.974億元,佔總價值比例98.63%。其總的服務價值主要來自於淨化水質服務(54.17%)和氣候處理(42.37%)。對紅樹林資源提供貨幣化價值核算,可提高生態環境成本、自然資本在經濟發展決策中的重要性,有助於海岸帶保護和近海經濟的永續發展,以及在建設規劃中加強自然資源的管理,為建立生態補償機制和完善紅樹林生態系的管理機制提供參考。但由於受價值評估過程中所使用的方法、評估指標和具體評估指標的價值參數等限制,評估的結果與實際價值仍存在一定的誤差。但可以通過對評估方法的不斷完善,對相關參數進行驗證,使得結果更接近真實值。


Mangrove is highly productive wetland ecosystems located at the interface between land and sea, playing an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of the coastal environment, acting as sources of nutrients to marine and terrestrial ecosystems. It has significant direct and indirect economic, ecological and social values to human being. Economic evaluation of mangrove ecosystem is important for its protection and utilizing. Based on the valuation of global ecosystem services by Costanza and Common International Classification for Ecosystem Services, this article discusse the merits and shortcomings of the methods system of valuation. Using market and non-market valuation methods to assess ecosystem services of mangrove of Damsui river. The results showed that the total value of Damsui mangrove was 23.9 billion (148 million per hectare). The direct-use value was 328 million, accounting for 1.37% of total value; the indirect-use value was 23.6 billion, accounting for 98.63%. The results indicate that the indirect-use value of mangroves exceeds direct use values. The highest proportion were water purification (54.17%) and climate regulation (42.37%). This study provides an opportunity to highlight the importance of mangrove ecosystems to the livelihoods of the local people and the urgent need to sustain these through proper policy and market interventions. However, because of the limitations of evaluation methods and index, the results may show the deviation from the true value. This can be correct by optimization of methods and index.


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