  • 學位論文


On the Characters in Zhuangzi

指導教授 : 李日章 陳鼓應


以「人物」之形態、生活、與言行互動來呈顯哲學思維的論述方式,是《莊子》一書的重要特色。本文所言的「人物系譜」,指的是排列於關係脈絡中的眾多人物,這些人物各自代表著某種思想或觀念,即象徵著各類的思維型態,因此,人物是呈顯《莊子》思想之重要媒體。本文發現,我們可藉由〈寓言〉篇所提示的「三言」,將莊書人物分為「重言人物」與「寓言人物」兩大類,並由此審視莊書人物在表述莊子思想上的作用。 本文共分五章,第一章緒論,說明論文主題、方法與研究動機,並由「三言」來論證,人物是構成《莊子》文本最重要的主體。第二章,首先說明「寓言」、「重言」、「卮言」的意涵,並指出,「三言」的創用乃是「言」與「不言」之間的產物。其次,藉由三言的提示,將莊書人物分為「寓言人物」與「重言人物」兩大類,並說明此分類方法可能遭遇的困難、與解決途徑。第三章,分別從「先秦諸子」、「春秋群雄與士大夫」、「遠古帝王」這三類人物,來審視莊書如何透過「重言人物」來論述其對諸子思想的批判與抉擇,對君臣關係與政治權力的態度,對傳統君王形象的解構與重建,以及莊書理想中的桃花源等議題;並由此看出,莊子哲學中最重要的問題,就是如何安頓生命。第四章,分別從「形殘之人」、「非人之人」、「修道之人」,來審視莊書如何透過「寓言人物」來論道、喻道、以及其中關於修道的討論。第五章,以《莊子》人物系譜的整體概觀為結論,分別審視「重言人物」與「寓言人物」在表述莊子思想上的作用與意義。文末,並附有《莊子》人物系譜圖、《莊子》人物群像、以及《莊子》人物出處表,以資參考。


An extremely remarkable feature of Zhuangzi莊子 is its specific way of discussing philosophical issues through a depiction of the mode of its characters, their ways of life, and the interaction between them. This thesis delineates the whole spectrum of the interrelated characters – they represent and symbolize ideas – in order to identify diversified modes of thought and assorted ways of thinking. As a medium of expressing thought, character is of great import in Zhuangzi. According to the implication of the three modes of discourse mentioned in the chapter “Yuyan” 寓言, I divide the characters in Zhuangzi into two main categories: “characters of heavy words” (zhong yan ren wu重言人物) and “characters of entrusted words” (yu yan ren wu寓言人物). With this classification of characters, I intend to examine the role of characters in Zhuangzi’s expression of thought. This thesis comprises five chapters. The first chapter is devoted to explaining the subject, method, and motivation of this study, and contending that the characters play a principle role in the text of Zhuangzi through demonstrating the so-called “three modes of discourse” (san yan三言). The second chapter is an illustration of the three modes of discourse, namely the “entrusted words”, the “heavy words”, and the “goblet words” (zhi yan卮言). To solve the problem of the limitations of language, Zhuangzi establishes these three modes of discourse. They suggest sorting characters into two main categories: “characters of heavy words” and “characters of entrusted words”. Presumable problems and solutions in the process of classifying characters will be expounded in this chapter. In view of three kinds of characters, namely pre-Qin masters (xian qin zhu zi先秦諸子), Zhou Dynasty feudal lords (chun qiu qun xiong春秋群雄) and literati-officialdom (shi dai fu士大夫), legendary Chinese emperors (yuan gu di wang遠古帝王), mentioned in Zhuangzi, I seek to discuss following topics in the third chapter: through the “characters of heavy words”, how Zhuangzi shows the author’s criticism or absorption of the ideas from pre-Qin masters; the author’s attitude towards the relationship between a ruler and his officers; the deconstruction and reconstruction of the traditional image of a ruler; the ideal world depicted in Zhuangzi. With the above examination one can catch sight of the deepest motive underlying Zhuangzi’s philosophy – finding the way wherein a man can settle himself in the mutability of fate and the destiny of death. In the fourth chapter, with regard to “bodily deformed characters” (xing can zhi ren形殘之人), “nonhuman characters” (fei ren zhi ren非人之人) and “practicers of Dao” (xiu dao zhi ren修道之人), and through an interpretation of the “characters of entrusted words”, I scrutinize the matter of Dao道: the way Dao has been discussed, the metaphors of Dao, and the key to the attainment of Dao. In the final chapter, I will present a concise review of the classification of characters, where I will explain the role and significance of the “characters of heavy words” and the “characters of entrusted words” respectively.





