  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Strategies on Setting up Offices in Each Other’s Capitals across the Straits

指導教授 : 陳明通


2008年新政府上台後,兩岸關係開始出現和緩的氣氛,中斷十多年的兩會也開始積極協商並陸續簽署多項協議。第二次江陳會談中,海協會長陳雲林提出希望讓「中國旅行社」到台灣來設立辦事機構,處理兩岸民眾所關心的旅行證明文件,台灣海基會表示贊同,但認為以「兩會模式」來設立較為恰當,顯然雙方都認為有互設辦事處的必要,但是對於辦事處的形式還要進行協商取得共識。 有鑑於此,本文便開始著手研究,究竟何種辦事處模式最能符合兩岸民眾的期待。本文從政治性層面的「代表性」意涵,「事務性」層面的「功能性」分析,歸納出「兩岸互設辦事處」的四種可能模式:一、領事機構;二、香港中華、中國旅行社模式;三、海基、海協兩會模式;四、兩執政黨間。從這四種模式的「代表性」,分析其背後所引伸的相關意涵,再針對辦事處的功能性做個別分析,檢視其是否足以應付兩岸交流所需、能否執行兩岸間「準領事職務」,接著從四種模式的各項優缺點與兩岸各自的戰略意涵來評估雙方於辦事處的接受度,最後再綜合這些評估指標,總結歸納出最適合兩岸互設辦事處的模式。 兩岸互設辦事處現今還是處於政策規劃的階段,本研究希望能為此政策提供建設性的建議,替政府在政策規劃期間做出一些可供參考的意見分析。也希望兩岸將來能互設辦事處解決兩岸民眾所關心的各項議題,也能夠為兩岸互信合作帶來具體的貢獻。


兩岸 辦事處 領事館 海基會 海協會


The cross-straits relations have begun to thaw since the new Ma administration in Taiwan took power in 2008. The two sides of the Straits have restarted negotiations and signed several agreements in quick succession. At the Second Chiang-Chen Meeting, Chen Yun-Lin, chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, proposed that China Travel Service set up Offices in Taiwan to deal with travel documents that concern people of both sides across the Strait. Straits Exchange Foundation of Taiwan agreed, yet considered adopting a more workable model of Straits Exchange Foundation–The Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (abridged as “Foundation–Association model”). Obviously both governments think it necessary to set up Offices, but still have to negotiate on the way of setting up Offices before the consensus is being reached. Hence, the paper aims to study which Office model may best satisfy the people on both sides of the Straits. Having judging the politically representative implications and analyzing the administrative functionalities, this thesis will propose four possible models: 1. Consulate model, 2. the model of Chung Hwa Travel Service–China Travel Service 3. Foundation–Association model, 4. the model of the ruling party on both sides. This thesis will review the representative implications involved around the four models before analyzing the respective functions of the Office of four models, so as to examine the effect each model might achieve in fulfilling the needs of cross-straits interchanges and performing the quasi-consul duty. Then seen from the positive and negative angles of each model and the strategic implications of the two sides of the Straits, this thesis evaluates the acceptance level of setting up Offices on both sides and concludes with the most workable model by synthesizing the evaluation index above. Setting up Offices on both sides is currently at the early policy planning stage. This study endeavors to provide some constructive advice on the policy, giving the government worthwhile opinion analysis during the policy planning period. Hopefully the governments of both sides will in the future set up Offices handling all cared-about issues and by so doing, contributing to the trust and cooperation of the two sides of the Straits. Keywords: the two sides of the Straits, Office, consulate, Straits Exchange Foundation, the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait


楊開煌,2008/7。〈從氣氛塑造到簽訂協議 論兩岸兩會之復談〉,《海 峽評論》,第211期。
