  • 學位論文


New Approach to FinTech Innovation Supervision – Focusing on Regulatory Sandbox

指導教授 : 邵慶平


近幾年金融科技創新襲捲全世界,帶來可觀的經濟效益,也大幅改善並提升了金融運作的便利性。然而,金融科技創新卻常令監管者或立法者陷入兩難。以P2P 網路借貸平台為例,美國與中國各自形成了監管強與弱的兩個極端,而英國則是先以行業協會自律為主,再走向政府監管與發佈法律規定。台灣目前雖決定不設立P2P網路借貸專法;然而,倘若未來平台為增加市場的活躍性而將產品證券化,則監管者是否也將步上美國的監管途徑,而形成不利金融創新的局面? 為解決金融科技創新的監理困境,英國首先於2015年提出金融監理沙盒的概念,期能為新創業者提供產品或服務之測試場域,同時,讓金融監理機關了解金融創新內容與風險監管,也讓立法者能調整相關法規範。 本篇論文將首先梳理金融科技迄今之發展概況,並以網路借貸平台之監理為例,探討金融創新與金融監理間之互動。緊接著,本文將彙整英國、新加坡以及澳洲版本之監理沙盒制度以及最新發展狀況,並整理台灣引進監理沙盒制度之脈絡,介紹包括金融監理的系統性風險隱憂、台灣金融監理政策偏好、目前金融科技相關政策概況、推動監理沙盒的前奏—領航計畫以及六種版本的立法草案。最後,本文站在肯定監理沙盒制度背後的關鍵精神「差異化監理」之角度出發,探討監理沙盒為金融監理帶來之正面意義,再嘗試提出台灣引進監理沙盒後應解決之法律層面以及非法律層面之問題,前者包括監理沙盒立法方式之選擇、適用範圍、主管機關、公務員責任、消費者保護;後者則包括主管機關的監理態度與政策走向之轉變,期能做為我國未來立法之參考。


Although Fintech has transformed the financial industry all over the world and brought both economic and social benefits, it has always been a difficult supervisory issue for supervisor. Take P2P lending for example, the U.S exercised strong supervision, leading to a ―P2P lending innovation-unfriendly‖ situation while China set out no rules on financial innovation at very first, causing numerous illegal issues in P2P lending. Supervisor in Taiwan decided neither to set P2P lending rule nor to include P2P lending in the scope of the present financial regulation; however, if the P2P platform decides to securitize for being more active in the capital market, the supervisor seems more likely to choose the same supervisory approach as the U.S. In this case, P2P platform would obviously be hard to survive and we may also easily to observe the consequence of strong supervision for financial innovation.To solve the issue between financial innovation and supervision, the United Kingdom proposed a concept called regulatory sandbox, aiming to provide an experimental area for innovators to test their services or products while the supervisor may hence adjust relative regulation by learning more details and risks of the services or products. This thesis first synthesize literature about fintech development and take a typical financial innovation-- P2P lending as an example of the interaction of financial innovation and supervision. Then, the thesis collects and introduces different versions of regulatory sandbox from the United Kingdom, Singapore and Australia. As for Taiwan, the thesis organizes the adaption of regulatory sandbox such as the policy preference of financial supervision, pilot program and six versions of legislation draft. Last, from a standpoint of the key principle behind regulatory sandbox, the thesis analyzes the benefits and positive meaning for financial supervision brought by regulatory sandbox and then suggests several legal and non-legal issues needed to be solved, such as the legislation of the sandbox, the suitable supervisor of the sandbox, the liability of the officials, the protection for consumer and the necessary change of supervisory attitudes and financial policy.


