  • 學位論文


Competition Analysis of MICE Industry of Singapore and Taiwan Using Diamond Model

指導教授 : 謝明慧


隨著經濟成長,人均收入提高,假期增加,休閒旅遊已經成為生活中不可或缺的一環。2010∼2015年全球入境觀光旅客人次激增,五年內成長率高達20%,觀光旅遊產業成為全球成長最快的經濟來源之一,相關收入占全球GDP的10%。旅客出遊的目的,以觀光和商務為最多,這兩類旅客中又以商務旅客的含金量較高。會展旅遊產業以商務旅客為主要客群,又有明確主題能在一定期間內群聚大量商務旅客,是觀光旅遊業中的金礦。 依照Arnold(2002)的研究指出,會展產業可創造1 比9以上之經濟乘數效果(multiplier effect),能把旅遊資源的經濟效益發揮到最大。除了能帶動周邊產業,會展產業還能促進文化與經濟交流,提昇城市和國家的形象。此外,會展產業具有「三高三大三優」之特徵,即高創新效益、高附加價值、高成長潛力;產值大、創造就業機會大、產業關聯大;人力相對優勢、技術相對優勢、資產運用效率優勢。因此,近年來愈來愈受到各國的重視。 會展產業的源起於歐美已有兩百多年的歷史,近二十多年,因歐美市場走緩與新興市場崛起,亞洲各國新會展設施陸續投入營運,會展產業的重心才逐漸移往亞洲,成為亞洲新興潛力的行業, 亞洲各國中,新加坡是最先以政府力量設置專責單位推動會展旅遊產業的國家,同時在經濟效益上及城市品牌形象上都得到很好的回饋,在政府大力支持並制定發展會展產業的各項政策的推動下,新加坡已連續 13 年蟬聯 ICCA所評選的「亞洲最佳會議城市」,成為亞洲會展產業的標竿。台灣的地理位置、人文環境上跟新加坡有不少相似之處,也同樣重視會展產業,因此,本研究將以波特的鑽石模型分析兩國在會展旅遊產業的競爭優勢分析。 在波特的鑽石模型分析中可以看出,新加坡在「政府」的助力及「相關產業和支持產業」的表現上,明顯優於台灣,在「要素條件」上則各有擅長,在「企業的策略、結構和競爭對手」的表現上,新加坡的業者規模雖分大、中、小型,但有專業分工,所以競爭激烈卻仍能整合,台灣業者則多為中小企業,偏向價格競爭,近年來毛利日漸下滑,在六個要素中,「機會」可能正是台灣未來可發展的方向,會展產業在科技方面的趨勢,如會展活動應用虛實整合 (Online to Offline,簡稱 O2O)、大數據(Big Data)及走向綠能會展等,都有台灣可發揮的空間。 本研究希望透過分析結果,提供台灣政府未來對會展產業規劃的參考,對台灣產業界及台灣會展組織的協會、聯盟提出可整合的方向,並提供現在正在產業中努力的業者,從新加坡的作法中,汲取可參考作法再加上台灣文創特色,找出自己的藍海。


With the increase of economic growth, per capita income, and vacation days, the leisure travel has become indispensable in the current lifestyle. The number of in-bound tourists increases sharply worldwide between 2010 and 2015, the growth rate reaches by 20%. The tourism industry has become one of the fastest economic sources in the world and its related income takes 10% of world GDP. Most of the travelers are for tourism and business, and the business travelers can spend much more than the tourists do. The MICE industry mainly serves business travelers with explicit theme in a finite timeframe and a large number of business travelers. It can be the gold mine in the tourist industry. According to Arnold (2002), the MICE industry can generate economic multiplier effect by 9 times, which maximizes the economic benefit of travel resources. In addition to driving satellite industries, the MICE industry can also promote cultural and economic exchange and enhance city and country image. The MICE industry inherits the “3 high, 3 huge, 3 superb” characteristics, which are high innovation benefits, high add-on values, high growth potential; huge output value, huge job opportunity, huge industry correlation; and superb manpower, super technology advantage, superb asset management efficiency. Therefore, every country is gradually paying more attention to this industry in recent years. The MICE industry originates from the Western countries in more than 200 years, but until recent two decades, the western market slows down and new emerging market rises up. The Asian countries gradually built MICE facilities, which thus flourishes the MICE industry and drives the move of the center of the MICE industry to Asia. Among Asian countries, Singapore is the first one to promote MICE industry by setting up a dedicated unit in government and developing various strategic policy advocacy. As a result, it has earned remarkable economic benefit and fabulous city brand image around the world and has retained “Asia's Top Convention City” for 13 years in a row by ICCA, which becomes the benchmark of the MICE industry in Asia. Taiwan has very similar geographical location and cultural environment with Singapore and can be a strong competitor. This study analyzed the competitive advantage of MICE industry in both countries by using the Michael Porter Diamond Model. The results showed that Singapore has better scores in the items “Government” and “Related and supporting industries” than Taiwan, and both countries have their own distinguishing features on the item “Factor conditions”. Under the item “Firm strategy, structure and rivalry”, Singapore vendors have different scales from large to small, but also in different specialties, and so they can compete intensively but then also be capable of integrating together, whereas most of Taiwan vendors are in middle and small scales and tend to get into price competition. In the item “Demand conditions” both countries have their own advantage, but the item “Chance” may provide the direction of future development for Taiwan under the concern of gross profit reduction in recent years. With new vitality brought into the MICE industry, for instance, the online to offline (O2O) application in exhibition activities, big data manipulation, and green MICE, Taiwan can be an important player in this industry. This study was executed with the purpose to provide a reference on MICE industry planning to Taiwan government, and also suggestions on the direction of integration to the MICE industry, association and alliance. This study also alerts the MICE industry vendors to develop their own blue ocean strategy by extracting from the experience of Singapore and adding on the flavor of Taiwan specialized culture and creativity riches.


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