  • 學位論文


Room for Remorse――The Difficult Situation Brought by Prison Overcrowding in Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝吉隆
共同指導教授 : 劉力仁


2016年,台灣監獄有6成面臨超額收容困境,最嚴重的桃園監獄,甚至比核定容額多收容了52.7%的受刑人。超收人口造成監獄生活環境擁擠,不僅違反聯合國大會於1966年通過的《公民與政治權利國際公約》、《經濟社會文化權利國際公約》之人權標準,也使得監獄無法如期達成教化矯正之效,讓同樣的犯罪行為反覆引發社會問題。 本多媒體深度報導論文分析台灣監獄超額收容對受刑人、監獄工作者、全體社會的負面影響,並探究超收的原因以及可行的解決方案。多媒體作品搭配數位內容發展趨勢,以虛擬實境和互動式圖表網頁呈現,以期增進讀者對新聞議題的沈浸感。


In 2016, 60% of Taiwan’s prisons were faced with the issue of prison overcrowding. The worst overcrowding happens in Taoyuan Prison, which accepted 52.7% more inmates than the approved capacity. Taking in more inmates than permitted causes the living environment to be too crowded, and this not only goes against the human rights standards set in “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” and “International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights” passed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1966, but also inhibits the prisons from reaching their goals of rehabilitation and correction. As a result, reoccurrence of the same crime leads to social problems. Our multimedia offers in-depth report and dissertation to analyze the negative effects of prison overcrowding in Taiwan on inmates, prison workers and the entire society, and also discusses the causes of overcrowding as well as feasible solutions. Multimedia works, together with the development trend of digital content, will be presented through virtual reality and interactive chart web pages, so that viewer immersion in this news topic can be enhanced.


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