  • 學位論文

應用知識組織系統原理在數位典藏系統之建置: 以臺灣原住民族影音與照片資料為例

Application of Knowledge Organization System Principles in Constructing Digital Archives System: A Case Study of the Video and Photograph Resources on Taiwan Indigenous Peoples

指導教授 : 陳雪華


本論文是知識組織系統相關理論的應用研究;旨在研究如何有效地建構一個具有完善的導引檢索功能的臺灣原住民族照片與影音數位典藏資料庫系統。本論文的基本理念是,透過探析不同的資訊資源之間的「關係」,將之應用在基礎metadata資料的建置與資訊檢索系統的建置上,則可以將原本各自獨立而分散不相關聯的各種資源,妥適地加以整合;讓資源與資源之間發揮互補的功能,而可以建置一個知識性豐富的臺灣原住民族影音與照片數位典藏資料庫系統。 為了印證透過「關係」的應用,將「關係」的效用充分加以發揮利用,即可建構理想的整合性、導引性等優點兼具的瀏覽查詢系統,本論文主要包含三大部分的研究:文獻探討、現況分析、以及實作實驗。文獻探討旨在萃取圖書館學中與資料庫建置相關的核心理論之概念,包括探討傳統的資訊組織方式、以及圖書館學對於如何有效地幫助使用者查詢的資訊�知識組織之相關理論與方法,以支援本論文所要進行的系統開發研究。在背景探討方面,針對該領域具有代表性的入口網站所提供的臺灣原住民族相關數位典藏資料庫、以及臺灣原住民族知識性的網路資源,進行分析調查。前項調查的目的是為發掘問題以及了解現在此類資料庫系統現有功能之水準。後者有關臺灣原住民族的網路資源調查目的則是為了找尋可資利用的知識性資源。然後在透過文獻探討所建構的理論基礎與現況調查心得的啟示下,構思本研究將開發的系統功能目標,亦即以資訊組織完善、具有導引功能而且易用性佳等為主要考量。 本研究在開發臺灣原住民族影音與照片資料庫的過程中,為達成所設定的資料庫系統目標,除了為metadata中相關的必要欄位建置充足正確的資料之外,尚進一步歸納出可以根據資料的metadata以及權威性的知識性網路資源產出具有「關係」意義的各種索引與知識庫。但是,要於眾多關鍵性的欄位中,正確地鍵入資料,容易發生人為的錯誤,而且甚費時間與人力。本研究透過所主張的「關係」之應用,不但實現多欄位的自動建檔,而且透過階層化的主題索引、地名索引、人名索引等,成功地為可互補的不同資料群以及知識庫之間,建立橫向關聯。 在建置完成資料庫之後,本研究透過檢索服務面、技術實務面、使用者實測面等多重面向的評量方式,討論本研究的成效。在檢索服務面的效益評估方面,一一檢視本研究的成果資料庫功能,以確認此資料庫系統已達成本研究設定的系統功能目標;包括可以主動事前提供與資料庫內容具有相關性的雙語化的「知識地圖」與各種索引資訊、確實達成「文獻保證」與「使用者保證」、因為完整地完成索引工作而使任何一筆數位典藏資料均可能透過「知識地圖」之索引詞彙而被尋獲、查詢者可由多面向探索資料庫內容並可能盡搜資料庫內的典藏、可以關聯知識、可以導航延伸查詢與擴展檢索範圍、以及適合觸控式資訊器材之環境使用等。在技術實務面的效益評估方面,則分析進一步將網路資源編目提升為將網路資源整理為「知識庫」的好處、以及本研究提出的自動建檔方法的具體效益。在透過使用者實測進行評估方面,本研究製作簡潔的使用說明,測試使用者透過該使用說明,獨立學習使用資料庫的效果、以及其對於本資料庫提供的各種功能之評價,以了解本研究開發的資料庫系統所能夠得到的使用者滿意度。此一評估結果一方面提供本研究針對成果資料庫再進行改善之外,亦有助於確認本研究基於落實圖書館學在資訊檢索方面的核心理論所開發之資料庫系統的易用性與可用性。 本研究之結論是,本論文所提出的應用「關係」進行知識性數位典藏資料庫建置之模式,是以資料主題內容為依歸的深度的、具有邏輯性的不同資料庫之間、以及資料庫與相關網路上的知識資源之間的關聯方法,具有可行性、應用簡易度、實用性等;是可以讓所有資料庫內的數位典藏資源均得以透過「知識地圖」或索引而被簡便地檢索、讓查詢者可以檢索到確實所需資料,而且能夠關聯到有用的知識資源的方法,故可以使查詢結果富含知識性,而可裨益研究、教育與文化保存。


This research is an application research of the theories that have been governing the knowledge organization domain for decades. The goal of this research is to find out an effective method to construct a digital archives database system for the photograph and video resources on Taiwan indigenous peoples. The assertion of this research is that if we carefully analyze the relationships among resources and try to utilize the relations in the construction of metadata records and in the establishment of information retrieval system, it is possible to integrate resources in a complementary way and to enable the construction of a knowledge-oriented database system. In order to prove that the application of relations can enable the construction of a database system that can well-integrate resources and can provide easy-to-use searching aids such as indices as tools, this research was designed to include three major parts: literature review, survey of the state of the art, and experimental research. The purpose of literature review is to summarize useful concepts and methods in information/ knowledge organization so that this research can incorporate them in the experiment of database system construction. In this stage, the effort is to summarize the core theories of library science concerning database construction, including the traditional methods in information organization, and the recommended methods in information/ knowledge organization which are believed to be able to enable effective information searches. The survey of the state of the art includes two parts: to survey the databases of this domain provided by major portals to find out the problems that need to be solved, and to survey the available so-called ‘knowledge-oriented resources’ that are complementary to digital objects and their correspondent metadata records, i.e., those resources that deserve our attention and good to be included in the database system. Based on the findings of literature review and survey investigations, this research listed a set of functions for the to-be-constructed database system, with a goal to establish a database system that well applies the core theories and useful information organization methods asserted in the literature of information retrieval. The effort has resulted in an easy-to-use database system which was equipped with instrumental search guiding tools to enable effective searches and exploration, no matter if the searchers have background knowledge about the domain or not. To construct a database for the photograph and video resources on Taiwan indigenous peoples that can fulfill the system goals set by this research, it is necessary not only to establish accurate and more complete metadata records but also, to construct index files and ‘knowledge database’ that can support with supplemental or explanatory information for the digital objects in the database. However, it is a challenging task to fill in accurate and complete information in the index fields for numerous metadata records. It is also very time consuming to fill in complete explanatory information repeatedly in metadata records. In order to avoid human error and to enable inputting index terms in index fields effectively, this research tried to utilize the bibliographic relations and hierarchical relations between layered class terms so as to facilitate automatic index terms inputting. Besides, in order to eliminate the troublesome of inputting explanatory information repeatedly for all the metadata records that are about a same activity or event, this research tried to construct ‘knowledge databases’ for metadata records to share-use of the knowledge-oriented resources. The benefit of this approach is to make the metadata information more complete through an economic way. The application utilization of relations not only can ensure the accuracy of the index terms but also can associate indices, knowledge databases, and metadata records laterally, thus could enable the realization of a cross-database browsing-search interface afterwards. Upon the completion of a digital archives database system for the photograph and video resources on Taiwan indigenous peoples, this research tried to make an appraisal from multi-approach, including verifying the functionalities of the search interface of the database against the system goals set by this research in the beginning stage, discussion on the efficiency of the developed automatic index terms inputting method for metadata construction, in addition, discussion on the cost effectiveness of transforming Web resources into structured knowledge databases as demonstrated by this research. Finally, this research conducted a preliminary survey within the institutions that are allowed to access to the database during this database system development stage to learn about users’ opinion concerning the user-freindlyness and usability of this database, then refined the database system according to some of the users’ feedback. The appraisal concluded that the outcome database system has successfully fulfilled the system goals set by this research: it provides useful bilingual search aids that are useful for both browsing search and for learning about the content of the database, it can ensure literary warrant, and it can enable searchers to view all of the digital objects as long as the searchers make a thorough exploration using either the ‘knowledge map’ or certain index that has a complete coverage of all of the digital objects. In other words, the automatic index terms inputting method developed by this research had enabled the achievement of a complete subject indexing in both Chinese and English for all of the objects tackled in this research. Most of all, searchers can explore in the database from multi-facet, and can do expansion search from their search results while supplied with useful explanatory or introductory information about the digital objects they have retrieved. The aids for doing exploration search from multi-facet, for relating digital objects with knowledge-oriented Websites’ resources, and for the browsing and touch-screen search functionalities are especially highly valued by users. This research concluded that the application utilization of relations that exist among digital objects databases, ‘knowledge databases’ that are extracted from authoritative Internet resources, and layered knowledge map and indices as asserted by this research, is a kind of information/ knowledge organization method that exploits in-depth subject relationships, and could relate databases or relate databases with Internet resources in a logical way. This method is practical and easy to apply. It can ensure that all the objects and metadata records can at least be searched by at least one search guiding tool such as ‘knowledge map’ or index, and the searched object or metadata could bring upon useful knowledge-oriented information when there is any, hence make the search results informative enough that could benefit researches, education and culture preservation.


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