  • 學位論文


The Therapeutic Mechanism of Eye Movements in EMDR: the Effect of Interrupting Spontaneous Eye Movements During Recollections

指導教授 : 張素凰


本研究探討雙側眼動在眼動減敏訊息再處理法(Eye movement Desensitization and reprocessing; EMDR)中的所扮演的角色,過去研究認為雙側眼動可以降低回憶時的影像鮮明度與情緒強度。本研究除了擬再次驗證此一論點外,同時也提出進一步的假設:雙側眼動干擾了個體在回憶創傷經驗時的自然眼動,進而降低其在回憶時的影像畫面清晰度以及情緒強度。參與者為132名的修習普通心理學的台大學生。本研究操弄三種不同的眼動方式來探討不同的眼動干擾對正、負向自傳式回憶的影像鮮明程度、情緒強度以及心跳速率的影響,並且也記錄了參與者在回憶時自然眼動的方向性,即CLEMs (Conjugate Lateral Eye Movements)。本研究所操弄的眼動變項為眼動組、凝視組以及自然回憶組,眼動組又可分為水平眼動以及垂直眼動二操弄組、凝視組又可分為左凝視與右凝視二操弄組。結果顯示CLEMs的方向性在正負向回憶中是一致的,整體來說偏右向次數大於左向,此並不符合情緒側化理論或情緒右腦理論。另外,相較於非眼動組,眼動組對鮮明度與情緒強度的下降程度最大,凝視組次之,自然回憶組則有上升趨勢。在眼動組中水平或垂直眼動的操弄在鮮明度與情緒強度上並無差異,而凝視組中的右凝視操弄組對影像鮮明度以及情緒強度的下降程度較左凝視操弄組大,此結果並不支持水平雙側眼動的特別療效,也不支持情緒側化理論,而較可能支持情緒右腦理論。在負向回憶時的心跳速率指標方面,眼動組並無上升趨勢,但非眼動組則有上升趨勢出現。研究結果支持眼動干擾了個體在回憶創傷經驗時的自然眼動,進而降低其在回憶時的影像畫面清晰度以及情緒強度。本研究最後對各眼動理論做了討論以提出整合性的觀點。


This study examines the role of eye movements in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Previous studies have pointed that eye movements could decrease the vividness and emotionality during imagery. Besides replicating previous studies, this study proposes a hypothesis: bilateral eye movements interrupt the patients’ spontaneous eye movements during traumatic recollections and decrease the vividness and emotionality of imagery. Participants are 132 NTU undergraduate students enrolled in the general psychology course. This study manipulates three conditions of eye movements in order to realize the effect of different interruptions to vividness, emotionality and heart rate during positive and negative autobiographic recollections. It also records the directions of spontaneous eye movements during recall, namely CLEMs (Conjugate Lateral Eye Movements). The three conditions of the experiment are eye movement, gaze and mere imagery conditions. The eye movement condition is divided into horizontal and vertical movement groups and the gaze condition is divided into left and right gaze groups. Results show that the directions of CLEMs in positive and negative recollections are coherent, however the numbers of rightward gazes are more than leftward gazes. The valence-specific laterality hypothesis and the right hemisphere hypothesis of emotion both are not supported by the findings of CLEMs. In addition, the strongest interruption of vividness and emotionality is eye movement condition, followed by the gaze condition, while increasing in mere imagery condition. Vividness and emotionality are not significantly different between the horizontal and the vertical eye movement groups in the eye movement condition, however, the interruption of vividness and emotionality in the right gaze group is stronger than the left gaze group. According to these findings, the special effect of horizontal eye movements is not supported, neither is valence-specific laterality hypothesis. However, The right hemisphere hypothesis may be supported. In negative recollections, the heart rate does not have any trend in the eye movement condition, but increasing in gaze condition and nearly increasing in mere imagery condition. In summary, the results support the hypothesis: bilateral eye movements interrupt the patients’ spontaneous eye movements during traumatic recollections and decrease the vividness and emotionality of imagery. Lastly, the study discusses the theories of eye movements in EMDR, and proposes an integrated perspective.


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