  • 學位論文


Analysis of Consumer Transaction Records Take the Database of Funerary Services as an Example

指導教授 : 任立中


隨著物聯網、網際網路和資料庫的普及,資料庫的漸趨完整,行銷資料庫 對於消費者的洞悉越趨精準,並能為企業在資料中洞察新商機。本研究以企業所提供之消費者之消費紀錄為依據,分別以消費者面、產品面及消費者與產品間的三個面向作為研究主軸。以產品間的相關係數作為產品面研究之依據;以CAI分析作為判斷孝心指數之標準,衡量消費者面及消費者與產品間的互動關係。 在消費者分析方面,用來幫助企業預測哪些消費者在未來的消費會趨於頻繁,哪些會持平,又有哪些將會趨於靜止。使企業能以此為依據判斷不同發展走向的消費者該運用什麼行銷方案來對症下藥。 產品面的分析能幫助企業預測消費者的購買路徑,進而能更精準判別消費者在接下來的消費,給予其所想要商品的資訊。 在產品與消費者間的構面,則能幫助企業瞭解未來產品的銷售趨勢,進而能更精準判斷所需的研發產品類型。 進而幫助企業預估消費者購買產品之路徑、未來消費的活躍性及預估未來產品研發之類型。


With the prevalence of the Internet, Internet of Things, and database, marketing databases have become more complete and accurate. This paper examines the interactivity between consumers and products and analyzed consumption records provided by enterprises in three dimensions – consumer, product, and that between consumer and product. The correlation coefficient among products are the reference for the analysis of the product dimension. For the other two dimensions, the CAI analysis is used as benchmark for Filiality Index. The results may help enterprises in predicting the path to purchase of consumers, future consumption activeness as well as the types of product R&D.


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