  • 學位論文


Factors Related to the Attitudes toward Cosmetic Surgery among Male and Female Students in one Junior High School in Taipei City

指導教授 : 張玨


目的:近年來,由於整形美容產業風行,出現了許多與整形美容相關的研究,然而對於正在面臨身體變化的國中男女學生其整形美容態度卻不甚了解,因此本研究旨在探討國中生男女學生對整形美容的態度及其相關的因素。 方法:本研究採立意取樣,選取台北市某一所國民中學的七、八年級學生作為研究樣本,合計800人。調查時,回收之有效問卷共716份(男性333位,女性383位),完成率為89.5%。研究工具為「國中生整形美容態度之研究」調查問卷,包括「身體意象量表」、「重要他人影響量表」、「媒體影響量表」、「媒體素養量表」、「自我概念量表」、「整形美容態度量表」等六個量表。 結果:(1)研究樣本對整形美容的評價及行動意圖均偏低,其中女性比男性略低;(2)同儕整形美容態度及對才華相對於美麗的重視程度與男性樣本之整形美容態度有顯著相關;(3)同儕整形美容態度、外表重視程度、對媒體訊息的認同程度、對媒體訊息的批判懷疑程度、對才華相對於美麗的重視程度以及對自我的負面評價與女性樣本之整形美容態度有顯著相關;(4)多數學生並未對公眾人物身材與外表有特別偏好,僅三分之一的樣本提到對公眾人物外型的認同,其中男性樣本偏好的公眾人物體型為身材高壯,女性偏好的公眾人物體型為纖瘦。在對整體整形美容態度上,不去認同公眾人物且喜歡自己的女學生,在身材部分整形美容意圖較低,外表部分整體態度較低。 結論:本研究發現,雖然男女學生在整形美容評價與行動意圖均偏低,但是男性卻略比女性高,與過去刻板印象不同。學校應同時幫助男女學生建立正確身體意象,加強學生對整形美容資訊的媒體素養教育;而公眾人物在參與整形美容相關訊息時,也應更謹慎的表達。


Objectives: The cosmetic surgery industry has flourished in recent years. Although there is a substantial amount of research on the subject at the moment, there is still no enough on attitude toward cosmetic surgery among male and female adolescents. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand factors related to the attitudes toward cosmetic surgery among junior high school students. Methods: This research used purposive sampling to obtain sample population, which included grade seven and eight students in one junior high school in Taipei, Taiwan. A total of 716 subjects were returned (male 333 and female 383), rate of completion was 89.5% (716 out of 750). Six questionnaires (body image scale, significant others influence scales, media information scale, media literacy scale, self-concept scale and cosmetic surgery attitudes scale) were used to collect the data. Results: (1) subjects’ appraisal and action intention of cosmetic surgery were low; (2) Peer’s attitudes toward cosmetic surgery and the tendency to focus more on talent than beautiful were related to attitudes toward cosmetic surgery among male subjects; (3) peer’s attitudes toward cosmetic surgery, perceived importance of appearance, agreeableness with media information, disagreeableness with media information, tendency to focus more on talent than beautiful and negative self-concept were related to attitudes toward cosmetic surgery among female subjects; (4)only a third of the subjects mentioned the agreeableness with the appearance of the celebrities, and male students preferred the tall and muscular physical appearances and female students preferred the skinny physical appearance. In terms of overall attitudes toward cosmetic surgery, female students who did not pay attention to celebrities and liked themselves more and had less intention to have cosmetic surgery. Conclusions: The research found that although most of the subjects’ appraisal and action intention of cosmetic surgery were low. However, contrary to common belief, male students’ appraisal and action intention of cosmetic surgery were higher than female students’. The above findings suggest that schools should help both male and female students to establish healthy attitudes toward body image and increase media literacy. The mass media should also be more careful about the kinds of cosmetic surgery messages that are being presented to the public.


