  • 學位論文


Analysis of Lightwave Scattering by Metamaterial Circular Cylinders and Metallic Circular-Cylinder Arrays

指導教授 : 張宏鈞


在本論文中使用以解析的級數展開方法以及多重散射方法,模擬計算金屬圓柱與超穎物質的電磁波散射問題,使用解析方式的優勢是可以達到快速且準確的計算結果。對於單根圓柱而言,本論文針對雙層圓柱結構作探討,分別討論不同超穎物質在不同圓柱結構下所產生的電磁場型,探討散射場強度,不同超穎物質對散射場型與散射截面積的影響。 本研究亦探討了二維金屬圓柱陣列的特性。使用了多重散射法加以計算有限大小金屬圓柱陣列的光波穿透特性,針對圓柱陣列不同的缺陷構造(直線型以及點型缺陷)也加以討論。


This research mainly concerns the scattering phenomena of metallic nano-coated cylinders and metal circular cylinder arrays simulated using the multiple scattering method. The multiple scattering method is a semi-analytical method for analyzing electromagnetic wave scattering by circular cylinder structures, which can provide fast calculations and accurate results. Nano-coated cylinders involving different metamaterials and physical diameters are considered and modeled. The influences of the scattering coefficients on the field enhancements are also discussed. The metal circular cylinder arrays with point or line defect are simulated and investigated. The field confinement characteristics in the point defect and field guiding in the line defect are discussed through the near-field and the Poynting power calculations.


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