  • 學位論文


Redefing Heroism and the Pursuit of Pax Romana: Virgil's Aeneid as Political Metaphors

指導教授 : 陳思賢


本文以古羅馬詩人維吉爾(Virgil)的史詩《伊尼亞斯紀》(Aeneid)為研究文本。 本詩在執政者奧古斯都的授意下創作,具有民族史詩和政治行動的意涵,同時在維吉爾的個人關懷下,讓《伊尼亞斯紀》充滿個人與社群衝突的張力。在結局突兀以及帝國迷夢的隱喻下,使本詩千百年來保有矛盾與迷濛的詮釋空間。本文除嘗試對維吉爾臨終前打算焚毀手稿的原因提出解釋外,並主張維吉爾於詩中實總結了希臘羅馬文明的世界觀,以重新塑造羅馬人的靈魂:在神話與文明、宗教與諸神的主題交錯下,個人須面對命運限制的終極命題。 在此解釋前提下,本文嘗試申明維吉爾在史詩中乃隱含了兩個政治綱領:帝國和平與英雄重構。帝國和平是詩人對羅馬民族的型塑,以及賦與羅馬人開創帝國、安定天下的使命;英雄重構是以傳統德行虔敬(pietas)重新定義英雄形象。維吉爾筆下的英雄是敬天事人,忍辱負重,以國家和同胞為念,推翻了希臘史詩追求個人榮譽,燃燒生命的英雄觀。他勾勒的領袖是以大局為重,值得帝國子民崇尚和效法,此創作方向符合了奧古斯都的政策宣導,以及隱含了詩人對統治者和再造黃金時代的期待。


維吉爾 荷馬 盧克萊修 虔敬 命運 羅馬和平 英雄意象


This research argues that Virgil’s Aeneid as a national epic was also meant to be a political act imposed upon the imperial Romans. As the poet’s chief concern, this epic revealed tensions between the citizen and the political community. For centuries the sudden denouement and a false dream of empire as metaphor left ambiguous rooms for interpretations Among one of the themes, this dissertation tries to explain why Virgil had wanted to burn the epic’s manuscripts before he died. Also, it is my contention that Virgil carried the whole classical tradition of the origin of civilization on his back when he endeavored to recast and reshape the Roman souls.His concluded from themes of legends and of religions, and tales of civilizations and of Olympian Gods, that after all one should recognize the yoke of Fate(Fortuna). I contend that two political metaphors are implied in the Aeneid: Pax Romana and a redefined Heroism. The former meant first to mold Roman identity, and then to suggest the mission of universal peace under the rule of the Roman empire. The Latter was concerned with redefining Heroism by pietas. Pietas meant being loyal to Gods and dutiful to family and peoples. Virgil left behind the image of Greek heroes who were devoted to gaining eternal fame even to death. Instead he portrayed a new hero as the model for the Roman people to emulate and adore. The epic indeed accorded with the Augustan imperial policies and implied the poet’s expectations for the revival of a Golden Age .


Virgil Homer Lucretius pietas fortuna pax Romana heroism


吳瑜雲,2006,“The Ontology of the Nocturnal Soul and Ambivalent Juxtaposition of the Gods Reflected in Virgil’s Aeneid.”《玄奘人文學報》6:193-210。
楊貞德,1997,〈歷史、論述與「語言」分析:波卡克之政治思想研究方法述要〉,《中國文哲研究通訊》7 (4):頁151-179。
