  • 學位論文


Unpunishable Necessity

指導教授 : 周漾沂


在急迫的情況下,為了避免特定的法益有受損的危險,行為人以侵害其他法益的方式來維護之,這樣的行為,學理上稱做緊急避難。形式上構成要件該當之行為何以能因為行為人係進行緊急避難而不罰,此即本文研究之重心。 第一章為緒論,交代本文問題意識與研究範圍。 第二章探討刑法上不罰之意涵。本文主張刑法上的不罰,只有犯罪論上阻卻違法而無應罰性,以及刑罰論上寬恕罪責而無需罰性這兩種類別,其區分實益在受侵害者得否對避難行為人實行正當防衛。 第三章探討何謂正當的法。本文主張法由權威的制定性、社會的實效性,以及倫理的法原則三個要素所構成,法的形式功能係使人類行為服從於規則之治,實質功能係維繫主體際間溝通。承此,正當的法保護對象可區分為二,即作為溝通基礎的初級法益,以及作為溝通產物的次級法益。前者旨在維繫主體際間最低限度的溝通可能性,不可否證;後者旨在保護暫定協議,可以否證。 第四章探討刑罰的目的。本文主張刑罰為法規範與犯罪者間雙向溝通之系統,旨在揭示犯罪者錯誤與提供犯罪者贖罪的機會。承此,當行為人只能從事犯罪行為才能與敘事性自我的核心價值完全相符時,出於對自我人格的尊重,國家即應放棄以刑罰回應不法行為。 第五章探討緊急避難制度的本質。本文主張阻卻違法之緊急避難,其法理基礎為維繫主體際最低限度溝通可能性的社會連帶義務;寬恕罪責之緊急避難,其法理基礎為尊重行為人敘事性自我。 第六章探討緊急避難制度之要件。本文以第五章所得出的結論為基礎,推論出在兩種不同的緊急避難制度下,避難情狀、避難行為、避難意思及避難救助之具體要件為何。 第七章為全文結論。


Necessity (Notstand) means an emergency act that assault on legal goods for averting the instant danger to other legal goods. The purpose of this essay is to clarify under what condition an emergency act is unpunishable (straflos). Chapter one is introduction, which includes the problematic and research-area of the thesis. Chapter two concludes the definiton of unpunishment. The author asserts that an unpunishable act could be justification whch lacks calpability (Strafwürdigkeit), or could be exculpation which lacks necessity of punishment (Strafbedürftigkeit). The difference is whether the victim of an emergency act could claim self-defense. Chapter three concludes the justification of law. The auther asserts that the concept of law must concludes authoritative issuance, social efficiacy and moral principle. The formal function of law is to subject human conduct to the goverance of rules, the substancial function of law is to maintain intersubjective communication. Hence, the justified law protects two kinds of legal-good.. The primary legal-good is the foundation of communication, which maintanes intersubjective minimum possibility of communication and has no falsiflability; the secondary legal-good is the product of communication, which protects modus vivendi and has falsiflability. Chaper four concludes the purpose of punishment. The author asserts that punishment is a dual-communicative system between legal norm and criminal. The purpose of punishment is to reveal false and offer the opportunity of atonement. In order to respect the self-personality, punishment must be abandoned if the crime act is the only choice for criminal to act totally coherent to criminal’s narrative selfhood. Chapter five concludes essential of necessity. The author asserts that the justification of justified necessity (rechtfertigende Notstand) is the solidarity to maintain the minimal possibility of intersubjective communication; the justification of excupable necessity (entschuldigender Notstand) is the respect to criminal’s narrative selfhood. Chapter six concludes elements of necessity. Based on the conclution of chapter five, the author tries to derive the elements of two necessitys, including emergency-situation (Notstandlage), emergency-act (Notstandshandlung), emergency-awareness (Gefahrabwendunswille), and emergency-help (Notstandhilfe). Chapter seven concludes whole thesis.


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