  • 學位論文


The Ecological Validity of the Constructs of Identity Importance, Identity Firmness, and Identity Discrepancy: The Therapeutic Effect of the Adolescent Identity Intervention Program

指導教授 : 雷庚玲 吳英璋 宋維村


Erik Erikson的心理社會發展理論以「自我認同」為青少年期最重要的發展要務。而Erikson提出認同概念的初始目的之一,乃冀望於能將認同概念用以解釋心理病理的發展。本團隊過去幾年之系列研究便一直致力於釐清認同相關的測量概念(亦即,認同重要性、認同確定性、認同落差)及內容(亦即,個人認同、社會認同、形象認同)之發展現象(陳坤虎、雷庚玲、吳英璋,2005),並探討這些測量概念及內容與身心健康的關係(Chen, Lay, Wu, & Yao, 2007;Chen, Lay, & Wu, 2003a, b;Chen, Lay, & Wu, resubmit)。為進一步將這些認同概念落實於幫助青少年之認同發展及身心健康,本研究之主要目的為設計一套以上述之認同概念為理論根基的介入方案,以幫助青少年在面對發展危機時,能逐漸建立自身的自我認同,並朝向正向心理健康邁進。據此,研究一先以大學生為樣本,進行「自我認同個別治療」方案。研究結果顯示,「治療組」個案在三項認同確定性、三項認同落差、心理健康指標上都有進步。該研究甚至發現,「治療組」後測平均分數,在多項指標上,還高於常模組之平均分數。為了對青少年前期及中期之自我認同及身心健康之關連有更全面性的瞭解,研究二探討國高中生之認同重要性、認同確定性、及認同落差的分數與青少年之心理與行為問題之間的關係。結果顯示,三項認同確定性及三項認同落差與心理健康指標之間有顯著關連。為了將研究一之「自我認同」介入方案擴展至青少年前期或中期,研究三從研究二所普測的六所學校中選取一所,對特定個案進行名為「青少年自我認同團體介入方案,AIIP」之處遇。個案來源為根據研究二之認同確定性的施測結果,篩選出具高危險因子的學生,並隨機分派到實驗組A(參與九次「AIIP」團體)、實驗組B(參與九次「CBT」團體)或實驗組C(於實驗組A、B之追蹤期時,參與九次「AIIP」團體),三組人數皆各約十人。而控制組D屬一般對照群,不參與任何治療方案,只在每次進行個案施測時同時進行測量。研究結果顯示,AIIP(實驗組A、C)介入方案的立即效果能提升青少年的認同確定性,降低認同落差,且增進心理健康。至於在三種認同內容(個人、社會、形象)的效果中,以個人認同最為明顯。此外,AIIP後續追蹤(2個月、6個月)資料顯示,AIIP仍具一定程度的持續效果。


Erik Erikson postulated that identity formation is the most important developmental task during adolescence. As a psychoanalyst, Erikson has been interested in relating identity formation to developmental psychopathology. Following the original interest of Eriksonian theory, our previous series of studies have been devoted to differentiating the measuring concepts of identity importance, identity firmness and identity discrepancy as well as their contents of personal, social, and image identity. The developmental trend (Chen, Lay, & Wu, 2005) as well as the relation between the three identity concepts and mental health (Chen, Lay, Wu, Yao, 2005; Chen, Lay, & Wu, 2003a, b, Chen, Lay, & Wu, resubmit) have been documented. Based on our previous findings, the goal of the present series of research is to develop a self-identity intervention program to help promote adolescent positive mental health. Accordingly, Study 1 administered the “Adolescent Identity Intervention Program” individually to a college high-risk sample. The results indicated that the three aspects of identity firmness increased, the three aspects of identity discrepancy decreased, and the indices of mental health improved in the treatment group. To understand the connection between identity and mental health during early and middle adolescence, Study 2 applied large-sample survey in six junior-high and high schools in the metropolitan Taipei area. The results were consistent with the findings from college samples. Specifically, the three aspects of identity firmness and identity discrepancy significantly correlated with mental health. Study 3 expanded the applicability of “Adolescent Identity Individual Program” to early or middle adolescence. Study 3 administered the “Adolescent Identity Intervention Program, AIIP” to promote adolescent positive mental health through group therapy. The participants of the AIIP were recruited from one of the six sampled schools in Study 2. Adolescents with low scores in the three aspects of identity firmness were randomly assigned to the three experimental groups. Each group consisted of approximately ten participants. Participants in the Experimental Group A attended nine sessions of AIIP. Participants in the Experimental Group B attended nine sessions of cognitive-behavior group therapy. Participants in the Experimental Group C took all the pre- and post-treatment measurements held for Group A and B but did not take the nine-session AIIP until two months after the Group A and B had finished the intervention programs. Participants in the Control Group D were administered with all the pre- and post-measurements held for the experimental groups but did not take any form of intervention. The results revealed immediate therapeutic effects of AIIP (Experimental Group A and C) in promoting adolescent identity firmness, reducing identity discrepancy, and facilitating mental health. Among the three identity aspects (i.e., personal, social, image), the therapeutic effect over the personal identity aspect was the most noticeable. Moreover, the analyses of the short-term (2-month follow-up) and long-term (6-month follow-up) maintenance data also revealed carry-over therapeutic effects from AIIP.


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