  • 學位論文

閉鎖性公司股東間之契約關係與治理結構── 從盈餘分派爭議切入

The contract and governance structure between the shareholders in close corporation: viewed from the conflicts arising out of the distribution of surplus earnings

指導教授 : 邵慶平


查盈餘分派乃股東投資公司之重要目的,為此公司法除規定盈餘分派之標準及比例應�得載明於章程外,復規定盈餘分派之承認須經股東會決議為之。然此二規定在體系上卻有未臻圓融之處:就盈餘之分派者,倘股東會所為之承認與章程記載未盡一致時,應以何者為是?按「股東會決議之內容,違反法令或章程者無效。」公司法第191條定有明文,則兩者間似應以章程之記載為準。惟於審判實務上,最高法院似不願適用公司法第191條,而贊同維持股東會決議效力之判決。見解凸顯了法律規定與適用上的落差,頗值吾人一探究竟。 系爭案件涉及公司經營與少數股東投資保障間之利益平衡:多數股東得否在追求公司經營的目的下,違反章程之規定而剝奪少數股東之盈餘分派請求權?學說上本於同情少數股東之立場,雖不贊同最高法院之見解,但亦不能說服其回心轉意。準此,本文擬跳脫傳統多數股東壓迫少數股東之論述格局,從公司之經濟本質入手,試圖說明上開法院實質上否定盈餘分派請求權之見解固然在短期間得以便利公司之經營自主,然宏觀上對公司之籌資及發展誠屬不利。 又本件爭議凸顯出公司法領域在方法論上的莫衷一是。實務判決除前述的論理空洞外,猶未提出穩定之討論方式,因此造成辯論過程失焦、不同見解各說各話,無法促成有效討論之憾。此種現象似不利於公司法理論的演進與增長。為解決上開問題,本文謹以盈餘分派爭議為索引,運用法律經濟分析之方法以檢視公司之經濟本質,在公司為契約連鎖之觀點下,進一步採納源自於民法的法學解釋方法對問題展開分析。作者嘗試在維持既有體系完整的前提下,透過貫行的法學方法與法律經濟分析,釐清實務所遭遇的爭議,冀能為公司法問題摸索出一條得以聚焦討論的分析途徑。


The profit distribution of the company is one of the main purposes to shareholder’s investment; hence the Company Act stipulated that companies should/would states the standard and requirement of the distribution in the Articles of Incorporation. Besides, the Company Act further provides that the distribution must be adopted by the shareholder’s meeting. These articles maybe contradicted while the majority of shareholders refuse to adopt the distribution which benefits the minority’s interest. Although Article 191 of the Company Act provides that this adoption shall be invalid, however, the Supreme Court is reluctant to apply to this very article. The aim of this article is to comment on the Supreme Court’s judgment in two approaches. First, from the substantive perspective, the author considers that the judgment may not achieve its purpose to facilitate the operating of companies but otherwise to impede their fundraising in the long run. Thus, this article suggests that the Court may grant the minority the right to enforce the distribution of surplus. Second, the article argues that the Supreme Court did not adopt a practical methodology in the reasoning of this judgment. The inaction of the Court to sort out those confusing disputes leads to a loss to solve the dispute permanently. This article proposes a specific methodology which combines both the one originated from the traditional Civil Law and the Transaction Cost Economy.


