  • 學位論文


The Analysis of 163 Neoplasms in Captive Wild Mammals, Birds and Reptiles

指導教授 : 劉振軒


腫瘤為人類與動物常見且重要的老化性疾病,但目前圈飼野生動物腫瘤的研究資料絕大多數局限於單一動物品種或單一腫瘤調查,本研究目的在於建立長期大規模野生動物腫瘤發生之基本資料庫, 提供作為臨床診治參考與比較腫瘤學研究材料。收集1994至2003年十年間發生於台北市立動物園野生動物腫瘤發生病例,共收集2,657個野生動物病例,包括1,335頭哺乳類動物、 873隻鳥禽類動物與449隻爬蟲類動物。總計有163個腫瘤病例發生在150頭野生動物,腫瘤發生率在哺乳類動物、鳥禽類動物與爬蟲類動物分別為8.1 % (108/1,335), 4.2 % (37/873) 以及 1.1 % (5/449)。哺乳類動物的腫瘤以皮膚與軟組織腫瘤 (22.0 %, 26/119)發生居首位,而肝臟組織腫瘤 (17.0 %, 20/119)與造血與淋巴系統來源腫瘤 (13.4 %, 16/119),則分別居於次位,皮膚與軟組織腫瘤發生情形與家畜較為相似。鳥禽類腫瘤病例以淋巴瘤佔最高 (33.3 %, 13/39),淋巴瘤發生可能是由avian leucosis virus 或 Marek’s disease virus感染所引起。爬蟲類5個病例均為單發的病例。而本研究結果中發現惡性腫瘤發生率高達64.0 %,良性腫瘤發生率則為36.2 % ,顯示出釵h的野生動物可能是因惡性腫瘤發生造成惡液質與器官弁鉦妤`而導致死亡,但是有關野生動物的腫瘤發生的原因與相關因素目前仍然無法完全地瞭解。


腫瘤 野生動物


In contrast to the abundant information available on neoplasm in human and domestic animals, little information is available on neoplasm of captive wild animals. Most tumor studies for wildlife had been restricted to a single species or single tumor. A large scale of wildlife tumors has not been studied much yet. The objectives of the investigation were to establish database for wildlife neoplasm and provide references for wildlife medicine and a model for comparative oncology. In this study, all tumor cases of mammals, birds, and reptiles died at Taipei Zoo from years 1994 through 2003 have been collected. Routine histopathology and immunohistochemistry were employed to study tumor classification. Additional data of species, sex, age, site and type of tumors were analyzed together. A total of 2,657 necropsied cases, including 1,335 mammals, 873 birds and 449 reptiles were obtained. One hundred and sixty-three tumors of various types were diagnosed in 150 captive wild animals; and detected in mammals, birds and reptiles at rates of 8.1 % (108/1,335), 4.2 % (37/873) and 1.1 % (5/449), respectively. The neoplasms most frequently found among mammals originated from skin and soft tissue (22.0 %, 26/119), next was hepatic tissue (17.0 %, 20/119) and followed by hemolymphatic system (13.4 %, 16/119). Skin and soft tissue tumors were most frequent mammalian neoplasm and similar to the neoplasia found in the domestic animals. The most prevalent avian neoplasm was lymphosarcoma (33.3 %, 13/39). The relatively high incidence of avian neoplasm of lymphosarcoma suggests possible causes of the avian leucosis virus and Marek’s disease virus. Five individual neoplasms occurred in different reptilian species. The prevalence of malignant tumors was 64.0 % greater than that of the benign tumors 36.2 %. These results suggest that most wild animals may die from malignant tumors associated with cachexia and organ dysfunction. Causes and risk factors of wild animal neoplasma remain undetermined.


neoplasms wild animals


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