  • 學位論文


Option Pricing in the Zero-Level Framework

指導教授 : 古思明




選擇權 零水位價格 交易成本 股票 全域


This thesis contains two parts. The first part is using the concept of zero-level pricing provided by Luenberger (1998) to price a stock call option, and under the quadratic form utility function, we get an universal zero-level price for the stock call option. Comparing to the call option formula provided by Black-Scholes (1973), we find that the stock call option's price derived from the zero-level framework not only has a similar formula form to Black-Scholes's, but also has a similar trend to the Black-Scholes formula in the numerical analysis. The second part of this thesis is to extend the model of Luenberger (2002) by adding the transaction costs to the non-marketed asset. We find that the zero-level price of this non-marketed asset still exists but it is not unique. We get a range of the zero-level prices for the non-marketed asset. As the price of the non-marketed asset is in this range, an investor will choose to hold at zero level.


option zero-level price stock transaction costs


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3. Black, F., and M. Scholes, 1973, "The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities," Journal of Political
4. Cox, J. and S. Ross, 1976, "A Survey of Some New Results in Financial Option Pricing Theory,"Journal of Finance 31, no.1, 383--402.
5. Cox, J. and S. Ross and M. Rubinstein, 1979, "A
