  • 學位論文


A Research on the Prevention and Reaction for Incidents of Terrorism

指導教授 : 葉疏


恐怖主義(Terrorism)是一種藉由暴力手段來達到其政治、社會或意識型態目的之行為。其行為亦非孤立的犯罪模式,而是泛指一種有組織、有計畫、有政治目的,而又不同於戰爭的暴力活動。在冷戰初期受到國際情勢與意識型態的擠壓,而為世人所忽視,但隨著民族獨立運動的興盛與其使用手段的靈活性,也漸漸喚起國際的注意與重視。而後,冷戰體系的崩潰以及宗教基本教義派的興起,將政治意識、民族議題、分離運動與宗教結合,重新賦與恐怖主義新的動力,資訊科技的發達改變了恐怖組織的組成方式,與交通工具結合擴大了恐怖主義使用的載具,大規模毀滅性武器擴散也提供恐怖份子新的選項,新型恐怖主義也就于焉誕生。 本研究即試圖就如何管理與防範恐怖主義所可能肇生的危害提出一個管理流程,做為未來因應恐怖攻擊時的管理作業程序;因此,本研究即從五個角度來解析恐怖主義的管理結構: 一、預防階段:具體活動是蒐集恐怖組織恐怖活動的情報,並進行威脅評估,制定防範和打擊計畫、措施,組建應急力量,配備裝備,組織訓練和進行演習。蒐集恐怖組織準備恐怖襲擊的企圖、計畫和物質準備情形,實施先期打擊或制定臨時性預防措施,將恐怖行動消滅在萌芽階段。 二、查明情況階段:主要是透過情報蒐集與資訊整合的模式,特別針對涉及大規模毀滅性武器的原料,醫療衛生系統的異常病例,檢驗部門發現的特殊徵候等資訊,並對其進行分析、鑑別、及時發現恐怖攻擊的跡象,並發出警訊。 三、應急救援階段:在遭受恐怖攻擊後,及時控制危害範圍,消除危害影響,救治傷患。 四、打擊階段:對發動恐怖攻擊的組織或人員進行打擊。 五、復原階段:對於發生恐怖攻擊事件之復原,涉及許多政治、經濟、社會及心理等層面之做法。 本研究並就美國、日本、俄羅斯、中共與我國五國的反恐概況與作為來說明國際反恐的現況,同時檢討我國當前反恐管理上,諸如立法規範、體制整合、應急措施、復原工作等面向的缺失與不足之處做為本文寫作的目的,期能提供研究反恐管理作為新的思考方向,並且避免任何可能的危害肇生於國內。


The Terrorism is one kind of behavior to achieve its goal of political, social or consciousness condition by the violence method. Its behaviors are non-isolation crime patterns, but are general reference of organized, planned, political objectives, and also different with the war violence. In the cold war period ,Terrorism is overlooked by the people because of the extrusion from the international circumstance and ideology,but is prosperous with the movement for national independence and the using of the plural means, and now gradually arouses people's attention; After that, the cold war system had collapsed as well as the religious basic religious doctrine to spring up, Terrorism combined the political consciousness, the national subject, the separatism movement and the religious union , it integrate a new power, the development of information science and technology also changed Terrorism organization's way of composition. With the transportation vehicle union expanded Terrorism proliferation truncation and the proliferation of nuclear weapon has also provided the terrorist new option, now the new Terrorism therefore come into being. This research attempts to advance an administrable procedure on how to manage and guard against the possible harm of Terrorism attacks, and will do for the future in accordance to the Terrorism attack’s “SOP” pattern. Therefore, this research namely analyzes the Terrorism from five points of the management structure: 1. The prevention stage: The concrete measure is to search and collect the information of terrorist organization, and carries on the assessment of threat, formulating the plans and measures to guard against Terrorism attacks, sets up the emergency power, provides the equipment, the organization training and carries on the exercises. Collecting the information of terrorist organization’s plan and material preparation to launch out, and make the implementation ahead of the attacks or the formulation temporary preventive measure, eliminated the act of Terrorism in the earlier stage. 2. The ascertainment stage: Mainly to collect through the world, specially some important involves of the Weapon of Mass Destruction in our country, some unusual case of illness in medical service sanitation system, information of some special symptom which the inspection department discovered, and carries on the analysis, differentiation, discovering Terrorism attack ahead and send out danger signal. 3. The emergency rescue stage: After suffering the Terrorism attack, promptly control the harm scope, eliminate the influence of harm, treat and cure the sick and wounded. 4. The strike stage: To strike the organization or personnel launching Terrorism attack. 5. The recovery stage: Regarding on recovering of the Terrorism attack, involves many procedure of stratification plane such as politics, economy, society and psychology. This research also focus on the US, Japan, Russia, P.R.C and our country's Anti-Terrorism actions to recommend on the administrative measures of Anti-Terrorism in our government, such as the legislation, the system integration, the emergency procedures, the recovery work and so on, which is my mainly goal of the study, Finally, we hope the research can provide a new thought to consider on how to fight against and manage Terrorism attacks and prevent any harm come from it ahead in our country.


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邱 意(2017)。論反恐措施與隱私保障──以聯合國規範體系為中心〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201701953
