  • 學位論文


BIM Application for Identification and Elimination of Electrical and Mechanical Conflicts in Building Construction

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


機電系統在建築工程中就像人體的內臟器官、管線系統則如神經血管一般,負責聯繫不同機電設備,如無法有效發揮功用,建築物僅是一具空殼。隨著建築機能日益提升,機電系統的複雜程度也隨之增加,相伴而生的界面衝突亦更難避免。機電設計目前以傳統2D圖說為主,存在設計錯誤難以發現、溝通困難、界面整合不易、資訊難以保存等問題,容易造成工程延宕、爭議增加、工程現場與設計圖說不符等狀況,若利用建築資訊模型(BIM)視覺化及資料保存的特性,將可有效減少上述的問題產生,因此利用BIM輔助進行機電設計將是不可避免的趨勢。 建築資訊模型在臺灣尚未全面發展,部分業主雖已於契約中明訂要求導入,然傳統工程習慣尚未被取代、軟體使用門檻與普及性等問題,仍須待時間解決。建築資訊模型能將傳統二維圖說資訊利用視覺化功能呈現立體狀況,可有效應用於機電工程界面衝突排除,然目前軟體應用仍須仰賴工程師的經驗與大量人力操作才能完善衝突排除的目的。因此本研究將利用案例實作機電衝突排除過程,試圖將衝突檢討流程標準化,提升應用建築資訊模型進行衝突檢討的效率,並於操作過程中,詳實紀錄遭遇問題與解決對策,期能當作未來使用者的參考依據。


A building will not be completed without the mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) system. The mechanical and electrical systems are to the construction as organs are to the human body, and the plumbing systems which build up the connections are the nerves and vessels. As the quality of constructions improving, the complexity of the MEP systems increases, interface conflicts come along. MEP are currently designed with 2D graphing; this derives issues on error identification, communication, interface integration, information storage, which may easily result in delay, disputes, discrepancies between sites and designs. Building Information Modeling (BIM) can manage visualization and information storage, hence, may efficiently mitigate the problems addressed. Designing MEP system with the aid of BIM has become an inevitable trend. BIM has not yet been well developed in Taiwan. Although some customers have demanded using BIM in the contract, it takes time for traditional constructions to change. Traditional techniques are still existing, competitive barriers and promotion of the software are yet to be overcome. BIM can convert the tradition 2D diagram into 3D view with its visualization function, therefore, may mediate the interface conflicts. However, the software application currently requires the experience of the engineers and a larger amount of workforce to eliminate the conflicts. The purpose of this research is to make the BIM application more efficient by standardizes the process of the MEP elimination measure with a case study. A detailed record of problems encountered and solutions were kept during the research for further studies in the future.


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