  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on the Evolution of Vertical Dis-integration Structure of Global Mobile Phone Industry

指導教授 : 李吉仁


全球手機產業垂直分工結構演進之探析 論文摘要 隨著個人電腦與筆記型電腦市場的逐漸飽和,台灣ODM代工廠商開始將生產的重心由原先的資訊產業移往通訊產業,期望能將過去在資訊產業代工的模式套用在手機的生產上,但手機產業與過去的個人電腦產業相較,無論是在產品標準化與產品定位,都有相當程度的差距,使得手機ODM模式的發展影響因素成為有趣而值得深入探討的議題。本研究擬透過交易成本理論、資源基礎理論、策略性外包、與產業共演化架構的理論概念,探討全球手機產業垂直分工模式的發展可能性,期能提供國內廠商策略發展之參考。 觀察手機產業的現況,目前手機產業擁有 1). 產業高度垂直整合 2). 產品生命週期短 3). 系統的世代交替影響手機廠商間的競爭等三項特性;此外,由於電波屬於公共財,使得政府對於手機產業的發展會有一定程度的介入與影響。同時,本研究進一步分析過去國際原廠的外包決策發現,產業的快速變遷對於國際原廠而言已造成相當程度的負擔,各國際原廠為能快速反應市場,無不積極尋求策略上的彈性,並藉由外包廠商來調節產能、分散風險,使得廠商高度垂直整合的情形逐漸改變。 針對全球手機產業是否走向垂直分工發展,本研究歸結出以下幾點結論:1).外在環境對手機產業的發展具有影響力,對於產業結構的變遷影響力較小;2).當廠商面臨經營危機或競爭壓力時,將是促使廠商改變組織的資源配置的時機,廠商會捨棄不擅長的部分尋求策略上的彈性;3).策略彈性的需求為影響產業結構改變之最關鍵因素;4).技術提升、交易成本降低、以及標準化產品出現,將促使產業結構加速改變。最後,本研究建議,目前外包廠商較適合以EMS代工模式切入手機產業,待產業主流標準出現,再以ODM模式進行代工生產為較佳策略。


Graduate Institute of International Business National Taiwan University Student:Li-Ting Huang Advisor:Dr. Ji-Ren Lee An Exploratory Stduy on the Evolution of Vertical Dis-integration Structure of Global Mobile Phone Industry ABSTRACT With the growth momentum of PC industry getting slow down, many Taiwanes manufacturers start shifting their focus to mobile phone sector. Most of them look forward to the coming of vertical dis-integration structure occurred in mobile phone industry, within which context ODM model could bring up a new wave of business growth. However, by comparing PC and mobile phone industry, we could find that there are substantial structure differences in between, such as the degree of product standardization and product positions. Therefore, whether and when the existing vertical intergrated structure will change becomes an interesting issue to explore. The present research attempts to evaluate this issue from various theoretical angles, including transaction cost economics, resource-based view, strategic outsourcing, and industry co-evolution framework, with a hope of providing useful suggestions to ODM firms. The global mobile phone industry has three distinctive characteristics: 1). High degree of vertical integration; 2). Short product life cycle; 3). Change of technology generation will significantly affect the competition of mobile phone industry. Given the fact that electric wave pertains to public property, government telecommunication policy and intervention will have a great influence on the evolurtitonary development of mobile phone industry. By reviewing major players’ preivous outsourcing decision, we found that smoothing production fluctuation and diversifying operaional risk, hence achieving strategic flexibility become a crtitical consideration for these OEMers to outsource manufacturing services. We also found that: 1). External environment has more influences on mobile industrial evolution than on the change of industrial structure: 2). While facing the music, OEMs will reallocate their resources to abandon what they are not good at and look for strategic flexibility: 3). The most important factor changing the industrial structure is the needs for strategic flexibility; 4). Technology upgrading, transaction cost diminishing, and standard products launch all accelerate the change of industrial structure. Eventually, we suggest subcontractors could adopt EMS model in mobile industry until market standard emerge and adopt the ODM model in the future.


Mobile phone ODM Vertical Dis-integration


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