  • 學位論文


Model Tests of Geocell Retaining Structures

指導教授 : 陳榮河


蜂巢格網為新興之地工合成材料,能提供土壤的圍束作用,增加土壤承載力及防止沖蝕發生,格室更可植生綠化,提高工程生態性,美化環境景觀。目前國內外對蜂巢格網的應用案例相當廣泛,常見應用包括增加路基承載力、防止河岸沖刷、邊坡穩定、護坡等。 本研究旨在探討蜂巢格網擋土結構於受荷重時之牆體變形性、背填土沉陷量,與整體擋土結構的破壞型式,以對破壞機制能有更進一步掌握。研究方法係利用模型砂箱試驗,並透過模型相似性分析,製作適當的蜂巢格網擋土結構模型,藉由改變擋土結構高度、牆面傾角、荷重加載方式與擋土結構型式等,探討各因子對蜂巢格網擋土結構行為之影響。 根據模型試驗分析結果顯示,蜂巢格網擋土結構的牆面水平位移量與背填土沉陷量,隨著牆面傾角及背填土加壓荷重之提高而增加。蜂巢格網重力式擋土結構的牆面最大水平位移量發生於牆頂,且其破壞行為包括層間局部塊體之水平滑動,與整體擋土結構有翻倒破壞的傾向。蜂巢格網擋土結構模型與背填土一同受壓時,其牆面的最大水平位移量約發生在距牆頂0.3倍牆高處。背填土加勁可有效地減少荷重加載後牆面的水平位移量與背填土沉陷量。低加載階段時,背填土下層加勁較能抑制牆體的側向位移,而高加載階段時,背填土上層加勁之功效則較佳。背填土上層加勁時,牆面最大水平位移量約發生在0.5倍牆高處,而背填土下層加勁之牆面最大水平位移量則產生於牆頂。


Geocell is a new developing material for geosynthetics. It can offer confining pressures for soils to increase the bearing capacity and prevent soil erosion. In addition, geocell can be vegetation to improve the ecology of engineering and environment. The applications of geocell include the soil bearing capacity, erosion control, slope stability, and slope protection etc. The purpose of this study is to investigate the structure deformation, backfill settlement and failure modes of the geocell retaining structures through model tests in a sandbox. Geocell models were made through similarity analysis. The main variables for model tests include the structure height, the structure inclination, surcharge loading type and the construction form of geocell retaining structures. The result of the model tests shows that the structure displacement and backfill settlement will rise with the increasing structure inclination and surcharge loading. The maximum horizontal displacement of geocell gravity retaining structures is located on the wall top. Additionally, the failure modes of geocell gravity retaining structures include layer block sliding and overall overturning failure. When the model and backfill are under pressure together, the maximum displacement is located near the 0.3 times of the wall height. However, Backfill reinforce can reduce the displacement and settlement effectively. While backfill upper layers are being reinforced, the maximum horizontal displacement nearly takes place in half wall height. Nevertheless, while backfill lower layers are being reinforced, the maximum horizontal displacement is located on the wall top.


Geocell slope stability model tests failure modes


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