  • 學位論文


Research of Process Analysis on Telecom Vendors’ Service Outsourcing

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


台灣電信產業在中華電信於2008年底引進智慧型手機蘋果的iPhone 3G後,便走上了一條與過去截然不同的電信之路。從2000年和信電信 (KGT) 開始的GPRS數據業務,總是雷聲大雨點小;即使2005年各業者3G陸續開台,數據業務總還是叫好不叫座,直到智慧型手機的逐漸普及,無線產業的數據業務才產生了質與量的大變化。 新穎的服務與大量的數據資料的管理,以及日益競爭的電信產業環境,使得電信運營商與電信設備供應商無不感到需要考慮以不同以往的方式提供更快、更吸引消費大眾的服務與解決方案,於是大量軟體外包的服務開始產生。 以一個電信設備供應商為觀點,如何有效評估是否需要執行外包業務或自行開發、考慮因素為何?外包廠商的選擇是由海外分公司或全球遞交合作廠商開發、國際廠商開發,亦或是國內軟體公司開發,各有其優缺點,選擇標準為何?甚至專案執行過程中的控管與事後檢討分析作為下次選商的依據,都已是現在電信產業參與者重要的課題,攸關企業的核心競爭能力。 本研究以電信設備供應商過去5年多,電信服務委外的資料為基礎作為研究探討的依據,提出電信服務委外流程的架構,分析電信軟體外包廠商四大評估核心的重要指標與事後評鑑的變化,期望藉由此流程與模型的建立,增加產品服務委外的優勢,成為公司的核心競爭力。


Telco industry in Taiwan went into a brand new road when CHT (ChungHwa Telecom) introduced Apple’s new smart phone, iPhone 3G, in 2008. KGT (KG Telecommunications) introduced GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) data service for higher data speed rate in 2000 and mobile operators launched 3G services in 2005. However, the real mobile data services did not really take off. The data traffic of mobile industry didn’t get dramatic changes on quantity & quality until the popularity of smart phones. It makes telecom operators and Telco vendors re-think a new way different from old days in an extremely competitive telecom industry to provide subscribers faster & more attractive services & solutions via creative ideas and huge data management. Thus, a big amount of software outsourcing in telecom industry started. How to effectively evaluate which task is suitable for outsourcing or in-house from telecom vendors’ viewpoint? For outsourcing task, which model is favorable? An overseas branch office or GD (Global Delivery team), international company, or domestic software house. What’s the advantage or disadvantage, evaluation criteria, project management, monitor & control during project delivery phase, and postmortem after project execution? They all become part of company’s core competences. The thesis builds a telecom vendors’ outsourcing process model, which is based on data analysis of service outsourcing in past over 5 years in System Integration department of international telecom vendor, and. From the change between evaluation of outsourced companies’ 4 assessment cores and post survey after projects, it expects to establish an evaluation process and model to appropriately select a suitable 3rd party partner as one of company’s core competences to take advantage of the capability of software or service outsourcing.


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