  • 學位論文


Retelling History and Making Stories: Representing San Francisco’s International Hotel

指導教授 : 柏逸嘉


本論文聚焦於美國舊金山的國際旅店(San Francisco’s International Hotel),旨在透過歷史、文學與空間的再現方式,研究與分析國際旅店的歷史與其故事如何一再被建構及論述,進而探討這些多樣的再現方式如何促使我們重新審思國際旅店歷史事件。本論文分為五個章節。論文第一章首先回顧亞美運動,概述國際旅店以及1968年至1977年的反迫遷抗爭運動,並探究該建築歷經拆除與重建的過程,進而分析此特殊歷史事件為何被掩蓋及抹除。第二章探討國際旅店反迫遷抗爭運動的歷史再現,尤其以該事件發生時和日後論述此事件方式的爭議與衝突為討論重點,以試圖探究現今再現國際旅店的適當方式為何。第三章探討國際旅店的文學再現,以山下.凱倫(Karen Tei Yamashita)2010年出版的小說《國際旅店》(I Hotel)為研究重點。本章討論小說的架構如何提供讀者以多元的視角看待國際旅店反迫遷抗爭運動,並分析這本小說如何加深亦或紛擾讀者對於此事件的記憶。透過參訪2005年新建的國際旅店一樓紀念中心「國際旅店馬尼拉鎮中心」(the International Hotel Manilatown Center),於第四章研究並探討國際旅店的空間再現,並再加論述此紀念中心內的展示與展覽如何延續、延展、具象化及重塑國際旅店的歷史意義。本章根據劉大衛(David Palumbo-Liu)的論述,說明社區本位學習可作為一種有效的方法來延續國際旅店的記憶。第五章總結此論文並試圖再論:將國際旅店的再現論述延伸至台灣有何意義?本章透過探討台北華光社區於2013年發生的強制拆除房舍和強制驅逐居民事件,論述舊金山的國際旅店抗爭事件可以促使我們重新審視並更加了解台灣正面臨的挑戰。


This thesis investigates San Francisco’s International Hotel, also known as the I-Hotel, through specific historical, literary, and spatial representations. It shows how these representations frame the stories of the International Hotel, assist in keeping alive conversations about specific historical events, and/or unsettle our remembrance of them. Chapter One offers an overview of the Asian American movement, the International Hotel, its anti-eviction movement (1968-1977), its fall-and-rise, and explains why this particular history has been in some respects hidden and erased. Chapter Two focuses on historical representations of the International Hotel anti-eviction movement. It pays particular attention to the conflicts and disagreements in the movement as it took place as well as in subsequent accounts that attempt to tell this particular history to explore what constitutes an adequate way of representing the International Hotel in and for the present. Chapter Three explores literary representations of the International Hotel with specific focus on Karen Tei Yamashita’s novel I Hotel (2010). It analyzes how Yamashita’s narrative structure could offer readers an opportunity to see the anti-eviction movement through various lenses and how I Hotel could serve as a medium to reinforce and perhaps unsettle the remembrance of this particular history. Chapter Four turns to the International Hotel Manilatown Center, a commemorative site located on the ground floor of the newly built International Hotel. It pays especial attention to how the displays and exhibitions in the Center have managed to keep alive the memories of the International Hotel; render them visible and in tangible ways; and recreate them for the present and future generations. Drawing on the work of David Palumbo-Liu, it shows how community-based learning could serve as an effective way to extend and move forward the memories of the I-Hotel. Chapter Five concludes this thesis and asks: what would it mean to extend the implications of these varied representations to our lives here in Taiwan? By drawing attention to the forced eviction of residents and demolition of the Huaguang Community in Taipei in 2013, it suggests that the struggle over the International Hotel in San Francisco can stand as one case among many to help us better understand some of the challenges we are now facing here in Taiwan.


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