  • 學位論文


The Localization Process of International NGOs in China: A Study of Marie Stopes International

指導教授 : 蕭新煌


組織變遷可以提高組織的適應性,然而什麼情況下組織會發生變遷?組織變遷的機制爲何?組織變遷受什麼控制?文獻中關於組織變遷的主要來源大致可分爲三種:內在壓力internal pressures(Lewis and Churchill, 1983)、資源壓力resource pressures(Pfeffer and Salancik, 1974)、模仿的力量mimetic forces(Dimaggio and Powell, 1983)。越來越多的研究發現,非營利組織既有符合組織理論的部分也有特殊性,本文通過對一個國際非政府組織在中國的在地化過程進行研究,與組織變遷理論對話,描摹出國際非政府組織進入地方後的變遷機制。 本文以瑪麗斯特普中國代表處(Marie Stopes International China,MSIC)爲研究對像,采取個案研究方法,結合比較研究。依循由組織外到組織內,由宏觀到微觀的脈絡,對影響MSIC在地化變遷的各種影響因素進行分析。研究資料主要來自我在MSIC地方中心從2015年3月到9月持續半年的田野工作,通過參與式觀察記錄的田野筆記、與MSIC相關的34人次深度訪談、收集到的大量文本資料。 研究主要回答INGO的變遷方向、變遷條件、變遷動機、變遷的影響因素這些問題。我發現MSIC在中國的變遷是以在地化為方向的。總部給予中國代表處較大自由度;領導人和總部的關係網絡;政策和相關部門領導的態度三個條件是能否成功在地化的前提。INGO在地化的動機是爲了爭取正當性和資源,正當性包括獲得合法身份和滿足地方需求,其中,政府起非常關鍵的作用。這是因為在中國,合法身份既可以是獨立法人資格也可以是在政府庇護下獲得的實質合法身份,而滿足地方需求最終是要滿足地方政府需求。雖然改變的壓力來自外部,但組織內部的結構和制度是其能否掌控變遷方向的關鍵。


Abtract Organizational change is important for an organization’s ability to adapt. Yet, under what conditions is organizational change more likely to occur? What are the mechanisms of organizational change? What forces influence organizational change? Previous studies have identified three main sources of organizational change: internal pressure (Lewis and Churchill, 1983); resource constraints (Pfeffer and Salancik, 1974); and institutional isomorphism (Dimaggio and Powell, 1983). It has increasingly become evident that non-profit organizations (NPO) and non-governmental organizations (NGO) exhibit both general characteristics associated with any organization as well as their own organizational specificities. By investigating the process of localization of an international NGO (INGO) in China, this thesis contributes to our understanding of the process and mechanism of organizational change. Using Marie Stopes International China (MSIC) as the primary object of research, in-depth case study and comparative research are conducted. A number of factors that have influenced MSIC’s trajectory of institutional localization and change in China have been analyzed, including those internal and external to the organization and the micro and macro contexts. The findings are based on intensive on-site fieldwork conducted in China in 2015, during which original data were gathered through participatory observation, 34 in-depth interviews with relevant actors, and archival research. A number of questions related to INGOs’ organizational change has been investigated and answered, including ex ante conditions, motivations, directions, and influences. I find MSIC’s organizational change is mainly driven by its effort to effectively localize in a given local socio-economic and political milieu. Its ability to localize in China stemmed from three conditions: organizational autonomy endowed by its headquarters in the West; social relations between the local managers in China and leadership in the headquarters; and policies and attitudes of related government agencies in China. INGOs attempt to localize in China mainly in order to secure legitimacy and solve resource constraints. Legitimacy includes legal status as well as the degree to which they serve the demands of their local constituents. In this dynamics, the Chinese government plays a critical role, for two important reasons: i) in China, legal or “lawful” status can be obtained either as an independent legal entity or as a quasi-public entity under the auspices of the government. On the other hand, meeting the demands of local constituents is often tantamount to meeting the demands of the local government. Although the catalyst for organizational change usually comes from outside, the internal structure and institutional practices of INGOs often determine the trajectory of thereof.


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