  • 學位論文


Study on Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities of Low-Salt Miso

指導教授 : 鄭光成


黃豆為人體攝取所需重要蛋白質的來源之一,於日常生活中攝取黃豆製品已被證實有利於人體健康,包括預防心血管疾病、抗癌、抗氧化、抗菌及抗糖尿病等。味噌是以米麴及黃豆兩階段發酵之黃豆發酵製品,味噌於發酵過程中添加鹽的目的是為了促進其風味及避免在發酵中腐敗菌之生長,但由於鈉的攝取量過多而會引發相關心血管疾病,因此鈉的攝取量已成為健康之考量之一。一般低鹽食物會減少其鹽濃度或添加糖醇為了降低食品之水活性,味噌製作過程中需添加 7-23%鹽,屬於高鹽食品。雖然有文獻指出可以利用乙醇製作低鹽味噌, 但糖醇在味噌的添加較少見。因此,本研究目的為以5%鹽製作低鹽味噌。另外實驗組會將5%的鹽再添加5-25%乙醇、山梨醇及木糖醇,以添加12%的鹽製作的味噌為控制組。味噌製作中所需的發酵菌株為麴菌,本研究中所篩選之菌株菌種鑑定結果為Aspergillus sp.。10%乙醇,15% 山梨醇及木糖醇可抑制金黃葡萄球菌及大腸桿菌之生長。以5%鹽及10%乙醇及15%山梨醇發酵的味噌則具有1.928及1.920 mg GAE/g總多酚量,與12%鹽的控制組無顯著差異。


味噌 低鹽 糖醇 抗菌 抗氧化性


Soybean is an important source of protein. Daily consumption of soybean-based food has showed a lot advantages on human heath including prevention on cardiovascular diseases, anticancer, antimicrobial, and antidiabetic. Miso, is an Asian fermented soybean product which prepared by two-stage fermentation of rice koji and soybean. Salt is added later to enrich the flavor of miso and prevent the growth of undesirable microorganism during fermentation. In recent years, high sodium intake has been a world health concern as it may cause health risk thus production of low-salt food is needed. Low salt food is usually made by reducing salt amount or addition of sugar alcohols to reduce water activity. Miso contained 7-23% salt, which is considered as high. Previous study used ethanol to substitute salt in low-salt miso, but the addition of sugar alcohol such as sorbitol and xylitol has not been reported. The aim of this study is to observe antibacterial and antioxidant activity in low-salt miso with 5% salt, supplemented by ethanol, sorbitol and xylitol ranging from 5-25%. 12% salt miso is used as control. Results showed, fungal isolated from koji powder used in fermentation was identified as Aspergillus sp.. Inhibition toward Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli was shown by 10% ethanol and 15% sorbitol and xylitol. Total phenolic content (TPC) of miso supplemented with 5% salt combined with 10% ethanol and 15% sorbitol showed 1.928 and 1.920 mg GAE/g miso respectively, with no significant difference compared with 12% salt miso. 5% salt with 10% ethanol miso showed highest DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activity among the tested groups.


Miso Low Salt Glycitol Antibacterial Antioxidant


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