  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwan’s Inflation Inequality

指導教授 : 蔡宜展
共同指導教授 : 吳亨德(Hendrik Rommeswinkel)


本篇論文使用台灣家庭收支資料分析不同薪資收入之消費模式發現不同收入族群的消費結構 存在差距,其中低收入族群主要將消費分配於食物與住宅上而高收入族群則分配較高的比例 在健康、教育與娛樂上。另外,搭配台灣商品物價資料後比較不同收入家戶的生活成本變化 量,發現1983年到2014年之間低收入家戶之生活成本成長率高於高收入家戶二十個百分點。 最後,本文估計CES(constant elasticity of substitution)模型,估計結果發現高收入族群擁有較 高的替代彈性,並且生活成本成長率差距可以解釋對數效用變化之中的百分之三十。


This paper analyzes the difference in the consumption patterns of households with heterogeneous income. By utilizing an empirical data in consumption baskets, the paper compares the cost of living and its growth rate faced by the rich and the poor households. The result shows that the rich spend more on health and education, while the poor pay more on the foods and house. Furthermore, wealthy house- holds tend to have a higher consumption elasticity of substitution. The calculated household-specific inflation rate explains roughly 30% of the change in log-utility under the framework of constant elasticity of substitution. The study estimates the demand elasticities and in- flation rates by using the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure in Taiwan. According to our calculation, the growth rate of the poor’s cost of living was 20% higher than the rich’s from the year 1983 to 2014.


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