  • 學位論文


The Influence of Gender Equality on Gender-based Violence Crime Rate

指導教授 : 駱明慶




The relationship between gender equality and gender-based violence has been widely debated in feminist theories since both a positive and negative relationship is detected in previous researches. Based on Taiwan's regional dynamic panel data from 2005 to 2017, this thesis uses women's absolute and relative socioeconomic status as proxy variables of gender equality, applies the system GMM approach along with OLS and fixed-effect model to investigate the influence of gender equality on gender-based violence, including sexual assault crime and intimate partner violence. The estimation from system GMM approach of women's relative socioeconomic status variables with time dummies indicates that the gender equality in higher education has significantly positive influence on both sexual assault crime rates and incidence rates of intimate partner violence, the gender equality in legislature member leads to lower sexual assault crime rates. This finding support both backlash hypothesis and ameliorative hypothesis, potentially indicating that the socioeconomic status in specific spheres contribute different influence on gender-based violence.


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