  • 學位論文


A study on the construction process of Zhishan-Yan eco-community

指導教授 : 張長義


日益嚴重的環境災害,提醒台灣民眾唯有與自然環境共生,才有免除自然災害的未來。生態社區的營造就是以人類生活舒適方便為基礎,透過完善的資源、環境管理、合理的諮商決策及組織運作等方式,將人類活動對自然所造成的傷害降到最低,營造出人類健康發展及永續的未來。 本研究回顧國內外生態社區相關文獻及個案研究,整理生態社區之定義;分析台灣生態社區評估指標,提出台灣都市生態社區評估原則,以此評估原則檢視台北市芝山岩社區。本研究透過田野考察,實地評估芝山岩生態規劃現況,並以參與觀察、深度訪談的方式,建構芝山岩生態社區形構歷程中的作用力。本研究發現,芝山岩社區是台灣目前最成功的都市生態社區:善用社區特有之自然、人文資源,以完善之生態教育提昇民眾生態觀,結合社區資源,成立各種社區志工團,來落實社區生態人文營造工作。領導者發揮影響力,舉辦社區活動,凝聚在地情感;規劃生態願景活動,帶領社區發展方向。芝山岩生態社區營造成功因素有:善用資源、生態教育、居民參與、生態規劃、領導者。 此一研究結果除了是從事都市生態社區發展的研究以及響應政府單位發展生態社區的案例,並為未來台灣的都市住宅社區提供相關都市生態社區發展方向與藍圖。


ABSTRACT More and more environmental hazards keep warning people in Taiwan that only when we coexist with natural environment can we be free from the natural hazards in the future. In order for humans to lead a convenient and comfortable life, Eco-community is cultivated, which aims to minimum the harm to the nature that is caused by human activities and promotes the development of human health and a substantial future through the abundant resource, Ecological management, reasonable consultative decision, the organization operation, and etc. This research is meant to reflect on the different definitions of Eco-community by doing the relative literature reviews and examining individual projects about Eco-community, to give the evaluation principals by analyzing the evaluation indicators of Taiwan’s Eco-community, and to use the evaluation principals to survey the Taipei ZhiShan-Yan community. Through the field work on the examination of the current situation, the participation, the observation and the deep interview, we expect to build up the progressive function of ZhiShan-Yan community. This research discovers that ZhiShan-Yan is the most successful urban Eco-community in Taiwan: making good use of the special community nature, of the resources of humans to improve the concept of the people for completed ecological education. The community combined the community resources and established community teams to carry out the ecological missions and daily tasks for the whole community. The leader has the right to hold activities for the community to promote the local relationship. Also the community will plan the ecological activities for the future, which is intended to point the directions of this developing community. The factors of successful ZhiShan-Yan Eco-community are as follows. The residents use resources well, strengthen the ecological education, encourage citizen participation, make ecological plans and select a wise the leader. The result of the research targets not only on the development of city Eco-community but on setting the example for the government to develop Eco-community. It also offers the blue print of the development of urban Eco-community for urban residential districts in Taiwan in the future.




陳嬿竹(2007)。生態社區形塑歷程權益關係人分析— 桃園縣龍潭鄉三林社區之個案〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.00622
