  • 學位論文


The Benefit Analysis of Realizing BTS Co-Construction on Governmental Property

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥 博士
共同指導教授 : 陳俊忠 博士


台灣行動通信產業從1997年開放民營以來,由於機動性與便利性廣受大眾歡迎,滲透率年年創新高,早已突破100%,通話費也節節下降,讓民眾充分享受到自由化好處。然而,過去幾年,台灣行動通訊產業在電磁波議題上 一直遭遇困難。由於抗議基地台設置風氣盛行以及環盟團體不斷釋出負面研究報告,此議題受到媒體高度關注,持續以聳動但卻缺乏平衡的報導,塑造出行動通訊系統,特別是基地台會危害人體健康的印象,以致抗爭不斷,已對電信業造成無謂的壓力與損失,如果不及早找出替代方案,政府與產業十餘年來的努力,恐將付諸流水。 從技術的觀點來看,基地台在行動通訊網路扮演樞紐的角色,唯有適當的數量與合宜的地點配置,始能發揮最大的效果。而基地台所使用的電磁波,只要能維持在適當安全距離的保護及建立預警機制,對人體健康應不致產生危害。然而,由於此產業發產初期未能擬具完備的管理與協調機制,以致不當的基地台設置引發過量與電磁波安全性的質疑。主管機關NCC、地方政府、業者與民眾在這一爭議中,都成了輸家。從競合策略與衝突管理等理論來檢視基地台抗爭此一問題,發覺問題在於業者未能充分互助,彼此互補,並能提升個別關係的附加價值,共同改變戰術以因應變局。主管機關與地方政府權與錢的不均衡、地方政府與民眾便利與安全的選擇溝通、主管機關與業者壓抑與輔導產業的爭執,拉開彼此的距離,分散群體力量。 目前執行中的共站共構政策與作法,已成為NCC對民意代表在數量減少上的回應,民眾在心理上未能全然放心的與電磁波相處,所以,短中期策略,讓公有建物開放給業者建設基地台,並利用此一機會重新整合各家業者網路,優化基地台總數,共同使用基礎設施,降低業者租金成本、減少資源浪費、落實景觀融合。除可降低抗爭外,更可以明白宣示政府對基地台安全的信心及產業發展的支持。 認知決定一切,由於電磁波問題牽涉到經濟、社會與政治問題,跨部會與政府層級的檢討相關的行動通訊產業規範,跨領域的研究,並改變對民眾的宣導手法,從基礎教育改變作起,才會是根絕非理性抗爭的最佳方略。


Since the privatization of Taiwan communication industry in 1997, as a result of mobility and convenience of the mobile phone, high-permeability has long exceeded 100% and the tariff is heavily declined; people benefit from liberalization. For the past several years, however, Taiwan communication industry has been facing problems regarding to mobile technology and electromagnetic wave. Huge media attention caused by BTS protest, negative researched journalism has continued to give the public the impression that mobile telephony, especially BTS are hazardous to health. Alternative must be prepared to save the effort done in the past ten years. From the technical point of view, the base station is playing the key role of mobile communications network, only with the appropriate quantity and location could maximize the effects. The electromagnetic wave emitted by the BTS should not be harmful, so long as they are maintained in proper & safe distance of protection and established with warning mechanism. However, thoughtless regulation and coordination mechanisms during the initial stage had resulted in improper base station settings and peoples’ challenge on wave security. All players including NCC, local governments, operators and the public in this debate have become losers. Examined by the cooperation and conflict management theory, we found that the problem is that operators are not fully complementary to each other, and do not enhance the added value of the individual relationship to face the changes. The NCC, the local government and the public are separated and dispersed by the poor communication. The current NCC co-existence policy has become a response to the request of BTS reduction. It is helpless to have the people with a psychological safety when they have the BTS to be along with. Therefore, for the mid-term, it is good to release the public property to build BTS, to make use of this opportunity to consolidate & optimize operator’s network for reducing leasing costs and the waste of resource and quantity of BTS. In addition to decrease the protest, it will be able to declare the Government's confidence in the base station safety and the support for the industry development. Cognition decides everything. Since the safety of electromagnetic wave involves economic, social and political issues, cross government level review regarding to the mobile communications industry specifications and regulations as well as cross domain research will be strongly suggested. And the way to communicate with the public and the refine of the philosophy of education will be a root by no means the best anti-protest strategy.


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