  • 學位論文


Tectonic activities along the eastern flank of the Central Range in the active Taiwan orogen inferred from river steepness index

指導教授 : 徐澔德


台灣造山帶的構造活動性研究,在短時間尺度(年至數十年)以及長時間尺度(百萬年)均有豐碩的成果,但在中時間尺度(千年至萬年)的資料控制則相對較少,尤其是在造山帶核心的山區。近來的研究指出,河流系統可以有效且快速的反應造山帶的構造活動,而河川陡峭度指標(River Steepness Index, ksn)更可以指示抬升速率的相對關係。因此本研究嘗試以河川陡峭度指標,以及河流遷急點(knick point)的分布作為工具,探討台灣造山帶核心構造活動的特性。 本文分析中央山脈東翼的20個水系。每一個水系選取一條垂直主要岩層與構造走向,且發源於中央山脈主稜的河流作為主流,並進行河川陡峭度指標分析。根據遷急點分布以及河川陡峭度指標的特性,本研究將20條主流分為六組。第一組與第六組位於本研究區域之南北兩端,其陡峭度指標是各組中最低的,且大多數河流已達均夷,部分具有遷急點的河流,其遷急點也多受控於岩性。陡峭度指標隨著往造山帶中部靠近而增加。第三組與第五組分別位在造山帶的中部兩側,其陡峭度指標比起其他四組高,然而控制兩者之抬升機制可能並不相同。在南邊的第三組具有較多的遷急點,由於其分布與中央山脈斷層的斷層跡相當一致,因此本文推測該組應受到中央山脈斷層活動的直接影響。而在北邊的第五組由於遷急點少,陡峭度指標相近,因此推測應受到一穩定抬升的作用影響,但確切的機制則尚不明瞭。值得注意的是,位在本研究區域中段的第四組河流,具有特殊的「遷緩點」,本研究認為這是構造抬升速率減慢的結果。 河川陡峭度指標的分佈與台灣造山帶的大地架構相當吻合,因此本研究相信中央山脈東翼構造活動的差異,才是影響河川陡峭度指標的主因。本研究的成果,不僅有助於更精確的區分出台灣造山帶核心山區碰撞領域的邊界,透過與三角測量資料的對比,本研究還可定量獲得千萬年尺度下,中央山脈東翼抬升的可能速率。


The tectonic activity of the Taiwan orogenic belt has been well studied by different methods in various time scales, such as long-term (> 1 Ma) thermochronologic data and short-term (yearly to decadal) geodetic analysis. However, constrains on millennial-scale tectonic characteristics is limited, especially in the mountainous core of the island. Recent studies show the channel networks in active orogens reflect the pace at which landscapes respond to tectonic processes and provide a record of relative changes in rock uplift. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to figure out the millennial-scale tectonic characteristics in the mountainous core of Taiwan by using river steepness index (ksn), combining with knick point distributions. This study analyzed 20 rivers along the eastern flank of the Central Range (ECR), and all of the rivers are the main trunk of each river system, defined as the major branch originated at the ridgeline of the Central Range and flowing perpendicular to the main structures and the strata. On the basis of the characteristics of knick point distributions and ksn, this study devides the rivers into 6 distinctive groups. At the northern and southern ends of ECR, group 1 and group 6 show graded river profiles with low ksn, and the ksn increases gradually toward the center of the orogen. Two groups with high ksn, i.e., high uplift rate, but with different uplift mechanisms are recognized: group 3 is influenced by the Central Range fault, the only major active fault in ECR, and group 5 is dominated by a steady uplifting process. It is noteworthy that the rivers of group 4 show ‘anti-knick points’, which are believed to be the results of the lowering of uplift rates. The results show that the patterns of ksn are quite consistent with the patterns of tectonic evolution in Taiwan, where in the southern part the orogen is growing, but in the northern part the active collision and mountain-building have waned and the orogen is collapsing. Furthermore, the results not only enabled us to better identify the transition area between each collisional domain in the mountainous area of Taiwan, but also provide information to quantify relative rock uplift rates in the millennial time scale in the mountainous core of the island after calibrating with the results of triangulation measurements.


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