  • 學位論文


Service Innovation and Business Model in Social Network Service Sector: The case study of Facebook

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


Web2.0一詞自1999年由資訊架構顧問Darcy DiNucci的文章中首先提及,直至2004年底的O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 Conference之後,此一用詞才開始被大眾廣泛的接受。Web2.0 所描述的是一個用戶自己產生的內容(user-generated content)、使用性(usability)和互動性(interoperability)的一個互連網新型態。 短短十年的時間,由於社群媒體的相關技術高速進展,一系列的社群網路服務商(Social Network Service Provider)也因應而生;社群網路服務(SNS, Social Network Service or Social Network Site)也稱作社群網站,在應用方面,人們起初將自己與他人共同的背景、嗜好、活動,透過以網頁瀏覽器為基礎的互連網機制連結在一起,並透過電子郵件、即時通訊軟件來相互溝通;而社群服務內容也隨之與時俱進,包含了各種創意、照片、影片、活動、文章、興趣、甚至是聊天等複合內容。其中著名且覆蓋全球的社群網路服務商如:Facebook、Google、LinkedIn、Instagram、Reddit、Pinterest、Vine、Tumblr and Twitter,而區域性且覆蓋性強的服務商則有微博、微信,Line等等。時至今日,社群網路服務模式業已成為主流,且形成於全球市場互相廝殺、確立大者恆大的趨勢。 本研究挑選社群網路服務整合產業兩大應用趨勢:平台策略(Platform Strategy)、移動策略(Mobile Strategy),進而導入極具未來發展潛力的的社群商務(Social Commerce)以及數據分析(Analytics)市場,以服務和技術創新為出發點,說明其方向與社群網路服務整合應用之可行性與未來展望,繼而分析個別市場之不同特性,以說明進入該市場之策略考量,藉由綜合分析此二項商業模式以及創新性,克服現有困境,以期順利導入有效且獲利的商業模式。最終整理歸納並究觀察針對服務及技術創新的學理意涵,歸納出目前產業鏈架構與其現行之商業模式,透過個案分析,提出最佳方案讓後進之廠商參考。


The term “Web 2.0” wasn’t popularized by Tim O'Reilly and Dale Dougherty at the O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 Conference until late 2004, though it was first coined by Darcy DiNucci in 1999. It describes a new form of World Wide Web that emphasizes user-generated content, usability, and interoperability. Nevertheless, the fast growing Social Networking Service (SNS, aka Social Network Site) as we’re familiar with today is the virtual platform based on web 2.0 concept that forms up social networks or social relations among people who share similar interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections. It also consists of a representation of each user’s profile, social links, and a variety of additional services, such as e-mail and instant messaging. As technologies evolves, Social Network Services are varied and supported with new applications, new innovation services that incorporate new information exchange and communication tools, such as mobile connectivity, photo, video, sharing or even chatting tools to allow users to share ideas, pictures, posts, activities, events, and interests with people within their connected networks. The widely used and popular social networking services worldwide today are such as Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, Reddit, Pinterest, Vine, Tumblr, and Twitter. As Social Network Services progresses, it goes beyond country boundaries and quite often the winner-take-all phenomena occur in the market place. This study points out two of the major building blocks to Social Network Service industry today, which are Platform Strategy and Mobile Strategy. Furthermore, to set forth to the direction for both feasible study and future development to the Social Media Network Service industry, and how Social Commerce and Big Data (Analytics) may very well be the next big things for supporting the continuity of Social Network Service sector advancement as well as overcoming the profitability hurdle lies ahead. Lastly, in conjunction with the case study, it proposes both an innovative service model and technology ingenuities that include the existing echo system value chains and innovative business models so as to propose the best reference case with solutions for all the early adopters and second-movers among the industry.


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