  • 學位論文

台灣中產階級組織及其對階級文化形成的影響 -以台北市扶輪社為例

Taiwan’s Middle Class Organization and the Influences on Class Culture-making: A Case Study of Taipei City Rotary Clubs

指導教授 : 蕭新煌
共同指導教授 : 周桂田(Kuei-Tien Chou)


現今的台灣中產階級研究,欠缺對於階級社團生活這個場域的觀察。基於這樣的不足,本研究擇定扶輪社作為研究對象,試圖理解台灣中產階級菁英如何透過社團組織形成階級文化。 本研究首先針對國際扶輪的組織原則與扶輪社在台灣的發展歷程進行考察,並將3480地區的扶輪社加以類型化。研究發現,扶輪社的組織性格是一種強調互助的中產階級兄弟會,透過觀察衝突與陰暗面、族群與性別,中產階級採用一種以「社」為單位的區隔策略繁衍增生與回應社會變遷。進入扶輪社這個場域,中產階級得以養成一種追求成功的榮譽感。這個榮譽感的來源包括被揀選邀請入社、例會舉辦場地、以及道德社群的外在形象等等。中產階級透過參與扶輪社,得以建構在台灣的階級正當性。透過四大服務、培育第二代、與政治部門連結等等的集體行動,台灣中產階級得以鞏固其階級正當性。 總之,本研究顯示,中產階級菁英係透過參與社團累積個人社會資本,集體層次則呈現中產階級的凝聚與鞏固。透過研究扶輪社,我們不僅得以瞭解中產階級群為何參與及如何參與社團活動,也有助於理解中產階級群的階級文化與國際性非政府組織的在地化現象,對中產階級研究與第三部門研究有所貢獻。


Using the Taipei City Rotary Clubs as case study object, this dissertation aims to provide a better understanding of Taiwan middle class elites’ associational life experiences and the influences on class culture making. The research starts with the analyses of the organized principle of the Rotary International and the development process in Taiwan, and typed the District 3480 of Rotary International. The research shows that one important mission of Rotary Club is the fraternity of the middle classes to help each other, however there are internal conflict within different Rotary Club. By differentiating individual Rotary Club with ethnic or gender background, the middle classes successfully use the distinction strategy to propagate and respond to the changes of society. Entering into the field of the Rotary Club, the middle classes can foster the sense of honor that seeks for success. This sense of honor comes from being selected to invite to be a Rotarian, holding regular meetings in fancy restaurants or places, as well as the external image of the moral community and so on. By participating in the Rotary Club, the middle classes can engender and maintain the class legitimacy in Taiwan. By absolutely enforcing “the Four Avenues of Service”, breeding the next generation, and the collective actions that link political organizations, the middle classes can strengthen its class legitimacy. The dissertation concludes that the middle classes accumulate their social capital by participating in mass organizations and then presents cohesion and consolidation of the middle classes at the collective level. The study of the Rotary Club is not only helpful in understanding why and how the middle classes participate in the mass organization activities, but gain a better understanding about the culture formation of the middle classes and the localized phenomenon of the International Non-Governmental Organizations.


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宋遠岑(2013)。臺灣民主鞏固時期國際扶輪社社團活動研究 ——臺北延平、和平、亞東扶輪社團的比較分析〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2013.10915
