  • 學位論文


The Practice of Community Economy for Taiwanese Indigenous Tribes:from Cultural Industry to Social Enterprise

指導教授 : 康旻杰


本研究分析長期受到國民政府統治的臺灣原住民族,如何藉由文化產業如何展現社區經濟的實踐,抵抗新自由主義市場經濟的浪潮,將社會企業發展視作產業發展中的一環,在過程中尋找到替代經濟的可能性。   新自由主義意識形態的霸權讓社會篤信市場經濟為唯一的選擇,放棄尋找其他經濟模式的出路,重創原住民族的傳統文化與共產經濟體制,斷送土地與傳統資源方落得今日經濟弱勢的地位。原住民族憑藉在地智慧及政府、外界資源的投注,開展著文化產業復振經濟與傳統,仍因不諳市場運作而遭遇許多產銷問題,無法全面改善經濟情勢;但危機即為轉機,部落展現的是另一種更強調商品背後社會關係連結的「社區經濟」,小而美的另類經濟實踐模式。社會企業的出現,原住民族開始汲取其具備市場經濟與社區經濟的雙重性,內化進文化產業中來解決部落產銷問題;國家也隨之將社會企業納入政策中,包含原民會現推動原住民族互助金庫與《原住民金融法》,政府應檢討主流經濟掛帥的論述,忽視原住民族在國家發展終的角色,加速原住民族加入金融市場的遊戲。   原住民族應該將社會企業視作經濟實踐的一環,保持辯證思考以脫離外界資源的仰賴、展現原住民族文化的主體性,賦予部落文化內涵和共享精神,達致經濟獨立,不被資本主義吞噬和被市場收編的困境,從中尋找替代經濟的可能。


This paper focuses on the Taiwanese indigenous tribes, who have been forced to follow the orders from foreigners since the current government moved to Taiwan. Social enterprise, the practical practice of community economy, shows an alternative economy against the invasion of Neo-liberalism. The ideology of Neo-liberalism makes the world believe that market economy is our only choice. This type of economy gradually undermines the indigenous traditional cultures and original community economy. The indigenous tribes also lose their territory and natural resource, becoming the economically disadvantaged group. With the help of local wisdoms and various resources from government and non-government, indigenous groups utilize cultural and creative industries to revive their economy and traditions. They face problems on promoting their business because the lack of marketing knowledge in modern society. However, this also can be viewed as a chance to promote community economy by emphasizing social connection between the products and customers. Social enterprise contains the duality of market and community economy. Indigenous tribes merge the model into their business to solve their economy problems. The Council of Indigenous Peoples of the Executive Yuan also helps by revise policies, including Indigenous Banking and Financial Acts. The government should face their past mistake on ignoring the role of indigenous tribes in the development of the country and try to do more to reintegrate the indigenous tribes back in to the capitalistic market. Indigenous tribes should keep dialectical thinking through social enterprise. This is a way to get rid of economic dependence on outside resource and to revive traditional cultures and promote community economy. It shows the subjectivity of indigenous culture and is an alternative economy against the invasion of Neo-liberalism.


