  • 學位論文


The Concept of Home Economics and Gender Practice in Late Imperial China

指導教授 : 林維紅


這篇博士論文旨在關注中國對於家庭生活的理想和定義,通過家政研究-因為家政牽涉到家庭內部事務的管理與人倫秩序,是家庭研究的核心部分。 本研究以明清為例,因為過去的史料不足徵,而明、清時期文化、經濟和社會的發展,有最充分的元素,來說明家政概念及其實踐經驗。 中國傳統時期的家政是兩性共同參與的場域,是一門探討管理的知識或學問。本研究以家政為主題,以家庭日常生活事務與人倫秩序兩個重要的面向為主軸。家政蘊含理想的性別期望,定義了家戶外內的性別活動領域和生活空間。在男性為家長的社會中,男性被定義為家庭的管理者,女性為家務的操持者,家政賦予性別差異以價值的高低,兩者之間存在一種上下的權力關係。然而這種權力關係在生活經驗中並非絕對,而是浮動的。 由於婦女在家庭中的特殊處境,從日常生活的視角,透過具體實踐的例子,可以深入地觀察到她們在爭取權力、知識和權威時,所採取的特殊而複雜的策略。婦女在操持家務時所表現的才智和創造性,更重新詮釋了「婦才」(男性文人定義的書寫),擅長管理家務的婦女也是一種出色的才能。 另一方面,家政涉及到傳統家庭做為一實際生活及性別分工的場域,承載著豐富的政治社會、文化價值與儀式規範等,透過探討家政知識的變遷和實踐,我們能夠了解士人對於理想家庭生活圖像的期待和想像。 明代中葉以後一直到清代,從「不問家」與「治生」這一組具有內在緊張關係的觀念,可以清楚看到明清家政特點形成的背景。透過男性「不問家」的行為實踐,顯示了男性文人賦予家務管理較低的價值;讀書與家事的內在緊張性,不僅是社會經濟變遷造成的影響,它與性別期望和社會地位等,也有千絲萬縷的關係。同時,士人對「治生」看法的新發展,肯定了家政管理作為才能的一種涵義。 在此一時代思想觀念的新發展中,藉由考察這些體裁整齊、體系完備的家政書文本,進一步瞭解士人對於家政與道德、文化身份和性別秩序的思考,探測人們管理家政的實踐目標。家政實踐的目標,清楚顯示明清的家庭結構,在社會文化、經濟變遷中,與士人家庭理想的期待的關係。然而注重家政經營、強調「治生」責任,並未改變男人以社會功名或事業,為最優先的生命價值。它真正的意義在於,這一社會實踐包含了男性氣質(確立丈夫的領導模式),和管理公共事務能力的培養。 明清士人對於婦女治家的爭議,提醒我們,婦女才是男性觀點的家政管理目標的真正實踐者。「不問家」和婦女「治生」,做為解決讀書和家事衝突的一種性別協商模式,加強家庭作為婦女的專屬領域,孕育並增強了婦女治家的才能。婦女治家的才能是明清家庭一項相當重要的資產,而且她們的存在還可以提高家庭的生存競爭,進而改變家庭的社會地位。 明清時期成熟的家庭主婦為其工作帶來充滿自信的權威,她們管理家政的技術和知識,完全不遜色於現代家政學的訓練,在應用實踐的層面上,明清主婦的創造性才能更值得我們借鑑。 以性別為分析範疇來研究家庭問題,能夠將家庭史研究和婦女史研究扣連在一起,引導我們對於明清家庭結構、社會生存競爭與家庭中的性別關係,發展出新的認識與評價。在家政實踐過程中,禮制對於家庭等級結構的安排,以及法律和習慣對於家庭財產的擁有與支配權力,都不再是一種靜態的制度;透過士人對家務的經營和婦女治家權力的建構過程,顯示家庭中權力的分配與佔有狀態,是不斷在改變的,這些改變取決於個人在社會中的生存狀態,也取決於生命的週期和個人的才能。男人企圖透過家政經營,實踐管理權,維持家庭的統治秩序;婦女則以自己的方式擁抱時代精神,並且運用才能擴張自己的權力,尤其在家庭領域之內。藉由分析問題範疇的轉變,我們能從歷史發展過程中獲得一種的動態瞭解,一種兩性共同形成的生活方式。


家政 婦女 性別分工 不問家 治生


This thesis focuses on home economics to analyze “the ideal and the definition of family everyday life”, because home economics is related to manage home work and keep family in order. Tranditional Chinese home economics, is a kind of knowledge or skill to explore management, and both sexes can particiate in it. This thesis focuses on “home economics” as the key subject and focuses on “home everyday work” and “family order” as the main shaft. Home economics involves gender role expectation, and defines field of gender and gender life space of household . Tradition Chinese society, men is the house master and manager, women is the housework operator. The gender difference is endowed with both the high value and low value by home economics. There is a power relationship in gender role. This power relationship is not absolute but movement in life experiences. We can observe the tactics of women flighting power, knowerledge and authority from everyday point approach in these practice examples. Women express their ability and invention of operating housework to redefine “women’s intellect” (fu cai) -intellect is defined as writing by Intellecture. This operating well housework is a talent. On the other hand, home economics is as both everyday life and sexual division of labor, to involve rich political society, cultural value and ritual custom. We can understand the ideal family life image what intellecture expected and imagine to explore the knowledge changing and practice about home economics. From the middle Ming dynasty to the High Qing era, we have a greater understanding of characteristic home economics of the Ming and Qing dynasty through the tension between “bu wen jia” and “zhi sheng”. Men “bu wen jia” practice express the lower value of home economics operating by intellectur. The social economics changing, gender expecting and the social status bring together up tension between study and housework. The new developing intellecture view of “zhi sheng” is certain to homework management as one of talent style. On this new developing view, we can understand the intellecture thinking over the relation between home economics and moral and cultural status and gender order through these home economics books, to explore the goal of homework management . The goal of homework management expresses certainly the relation between family structure and the ideal family of intellecture hoping image in social culture and economic changing. To emphasize intellecture “zhi sheng” duty not chang men pursuit of the official rank or the career as the first value.the real meaming this social practice involves both masculity and a bility of public work management. A debet on women management family as a warning, women is the real practice toward goal of male family management view. Both “bu wen jia” and women “zhi sheng” empower house as a special field belong to women and train women’s ability of homework management. Women’s ability of homework management is a precious property for family. They can bring up the power of family being, moreover to change the family status. The can be no question of the confident moral authority that house women brought to their work in late imperial China. Their knowledge and skill of homework management are not quite as good as drill of Morden home economics. The invention of housewife can give us a good model in practice perspective. With respect to the history of the Chinese family, placing gender at the center of analysis forms a bond between the history of the Chinese family and the history of the Chinese women, and invites a new appreciation of family structure and social living strategy and gender relations in the family in late imperial China. In contrast to family hil in ritual and the exercise or enjoyment of the family property in legislation and custom as a “static” system.




