  • 學位論文


Choice of Raw Material in Pottery Making: A Case Study of the Late Neolithic Site of Tianwentai, Taipei Basin.

指導教授 : 李永迪


歷來學者對於臺北盆地新石器晚期圓山文化與植物園文化之間的關係一直有許多討論與不同看法。近年考古學者透過陶器的礦物組成分析發現這兩文化對於製陶原料的選擇似乎存在差異。本文抽樣分析52片天文臺遺址圓山文化與植物園文化的陶片,試圖透過岩相學與X光粉末繞射分析了解陶片中的礦物組成與來源。 根據分析結果可以發現天文臺遺址圓山文化陶片的礦物組要來自於火成岩類礦物(75.8%)與沉積岩類礦物(21.2%);植物園文化陶片的礦物則來主要自於變質岩類礦物(68.4)沉積岩類礦物(31.6%)。天文臺遺址位於臺北盆地東北側,屬火成岩與沉積岩的地質環境;而變質岩類礦物主要分布於臺北盆地西南側。將分析結果與地質分區搭配後即能發現,生活在天文臺遺址不同時期的製陶者其製陶原料來源是不同的。圓山文化的製陶者選擇在生活聚落周邊取得製陶原料;而植物園文化的製陶者則偏向於渡河到臺北盆地西南側採集原料。 筆者認為雖然圓山文化呈現了「就地取材」的行為,但並不能因此認為原料的選擇受到自然環境的限制,而忽略社會文化的影響;而植物園文化對於變質岩類礦物的偏好,可能受到過去居住於臺北盆地西南側的影響。


Scholars have different ideas about the relationships between the Yuanshan Culture and Zhiwuyuan Culture in the late Neolithic Taipei basin. Recently, archaeologists find some differences of mineral components in pottery between these two cultures. In this thesis, I sample fifty-two pottery sherds from the Yusnshan and Zhiwuyuan Culture at the Tianwentai Site, and apply petrographic analyses and X-ray diffraction analyses to learn the mineral components and source of raw materials. According to the results of petrographic analyses and X-ray diffraction analyses, I find that the major minerals in the Yuanshan Culture pottery are from igneous rocks (75.8%) and sedimentary rocks (21.2%). However, the major minerals in the Zhiwuyuan Culture pottery are from metamorphic rocks (68.4%) and sedimentary rocks (31.6%). The Tianwentai Site is located in the northeast part of Taipei Basin, and this area is covered by igneous rocks. On the contrary, metamorphic rocks are located in the southwest part of Taipei Basin. Compared with the results from scientific analyses of pottery and the geological distribution of Taipei basin, we will find the people who live in different time periods use different raw materials for pottery making at the Tianwentai Site. The Yuanshan Culture people usually choose raw materials for pottery manufacture around their settlement, and the the Zhiwuyuan Culture people gathered their raw materials from southwest area of Taipei basin. I believe that the Yuanshan Culture people at the Tianwentai Site use the raw material around their settlement not only for the location convenience, but also with cultural infleunces. The Zhiwuyuan Culture people might bring their preference on metamorphic rocks when they moved from the southwest to northeast part of Taipei Basin.


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