  • 學位論文

從營運管理的觀點來解析企業成長衰退: H手機品牌廠個案研究

Growth Stall Analysis from Operation/Management view point:A Case Study in H Mobile Branding Company

指導教授 : 陳俊忠


HTC 曾經是台灣的驕傲,兩度股價衝破一千元,股價最高曾到一千三百多元,也曾多次配發股利多達三十多元,EPS更是曾創紀錄的達到七十多元。2011年全球品牌價值評比,HTC是台灣歷史上從來沒有過的首次進入百大品牌價值之列,當年品牌價值甚至超越法拉利。Harvard Business Review 也曾寫了HTC的個案,探討HTC成功的因素。在這樣的一個人人視為奇蹟、人人稱羨的公司,何以卻會在短短時間內,就成為一個虧損累累,缺乏競爭力的公司。 本文從文化、組織、領導力、策略、成本與品質、智慧財產等構面來探討HTC存在的問題,並試著提出改革的建議。HTC的崛起與衰退可以是其他企業的一面鏡子,借著HTC這個個案來探討企業營運衰退之問題分析與變革建議,可資其他企業之參考。


Being a very fast growing smart phone company, HTC created a miracle in mobile phone industry. HTC had been a proud of Taiwan. In the peak period of HTC, HTC was among the biggest companies, like Samsung, Apple, in the world to dominate smart phone market. Everybody wanted to know the magic/secure behind the success. In year 2011, HTC brand was among the top 100 world-brand list, which there had never a Taiwan company had reached such milestone. However, within just a few year, HTC cease growing, market share is losing, and net loss is EPS 10 NT dollors in 2Q 2015. Does the magic not exist any more? Could the same reasons that bring HTC to be the most successful company also bring HTC to be a fail company. This article try to analyze HTC from culture, organization, leadership, strategy, cost , quality and IPR, to find out what problem exist in HTC. And this article also try to provide an improvement recommends to HTC corporate change. HTC’s case study can be a mirror to other company. People can learn from this case study as how a company will go success and then fail, how to avoid, how to build a company to last longer.


Corporate change culture quality organization cost IPR strategy


1. Creating a Customer-Centered Organization, HBR.ORG insight center blog
2. Execution, The Discipline of Getting Things Done, Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan
3. The Fifth Discipline, The Art and Practice of The Learning Organization, Peter M. Senge
4. Winning, Jack Welch with Suzy Welch
5. Reengineering the Corporation : A Manifesto of Business Revolution, Michael Hammer and James Champy
