  • 學位論文


The Impacts of High Speed Rail Stations on Housing Prices

指導教授 : 林楨家


台灣高速鐵路於2007年開始通車,除了改變民眾的生活形態和城鄉差距,成為西部重要的交通工具,更串連了西部走廊,形成了一日生活圈。理論上來說,重大運輸建設所產生的可及性改變,影響了人們的生活型態,進而造成土地使用改變與房價的波動,然而過去許多研究的實證結果卻顯示台灣高鐵站的設置對房地產價格的影響不大。 過去針對高鐵與房價之間關係的實證研究中,大部分樣本時間集中在高鐵通車前後,較長時間之高鐵相關研究相對較少。此外,在空間尺度上,有區域型的研究,亦有地方型的研究,但缺乏不同空間尺度的比較,因此可以發現目前有關高鐵與房價之間關係的研究結果是斷裂並且有待釐清。 過往的軌道運輸研究發現,具有通勤功能的鐵路車站對房地產價格的影響較顯著,因此本研究以通勤旅次比例最高的新竹站以及比例最低的台南站為例,進行實證研究。透過訪談及廻歸分析的方式,在不同空間尺度範圍下,探討房價與高鐵站距離之間的關係,比較其間的差異,並探討造成差異的原因。 實證結果發現新竹區域住宅與高速鐵路車站之距離負向影響其交易價格,並且其影響空間侷限在中、大尺度;高速鐵路車站距離對住宅價格的影響,在具有通勤功能之車站較明顯。上述發現在學術上可以釐清通勤功能對於房地產價格的影響,了解於不同尺度下高鐵站對住宅價格的影響,並且發展高鐵站對房價影響關係之理論。在實務上可以提供不動產投資建議以及高鐵站區周邊開發決策,並提供國外未來建設高鐵站之分析參考。


The Taiwan High Speed Railway (THSR), launched in 2007, has become one of the most significant means of transportation connecting the one-day living corridor in western Taiwan and challenge people’s former recognition of daily-life and structural differences between cities and rural areas. Theoretically, alterations of accessibility brought by major transport infrastructures would influence land uses and housing costs further onwards. However, numerous empirical evidence in the previous research suggested that housing costs weren’t affected significantly by the opening of THSR stations. In the previous research about relations between THSR and housing prices, the study samples mostly focused on short-term periods after the opening of stations and very few explored long-term influences. Moreover, the previous studies were in either a regional scale or a local scale while neglected comparisons among different scales. Through the context, current understandings of relations between THSR and housing prices remain unclear and need further clarifications. The purpose of the study was to investigate the relations between THSR and housing prices. To find the relations in different scales, a survey design was adopted to collect and analyze data through interviews and regression methods. Since the previous railway studies revealed that usage of commuting pass positively affects housing prices near railway stations, this study selected Hsinchu and Tainan stations, which is the highest and the lowest commuting pass usages among all stations respectively, as the study stations. The empirical evidence reveals the following two findings: (1) Travel distances to THSR Hsinchu station do have negative effects on housing prices and such effects are limited to city and regional scales. (2) The effects of THSR stations with commuting function are more significant than that of THSR stations without commuting function. Academically, the empirical results broaden our understandings, and benefit the theory developments, of the relations between high speed railway stations and housing prices and the role of commuting function in the relations. Practically, the evidence helps decision making of real estate investments in high speed railway station areas and provides a reference to new high speed railway schemes in the future.


公路總局(2014),公路汽車客運業營運概況【資料檔】。取自 http://www.motc.gov.tw/ch/home.jsp?id=579&parentpath=0,6,578&mcustomize=statistics301.jsp(2015年1月28日)
台灣高鐵(2015),維基百科「台灣高鐵地圖」。取自 http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3%E9%AB%98%E9%80%9F%E9%90%B5%E8%B7%AF&oldid=34166465(2014年12月1日)


