  • 學位論文


The Relative Preference for Time Gains and Money Gains

指導教授 : 張重昭


摘要 時間與金錢皆是重要的資源,是以時間利得與金錢利得對人們而言皆有重要的價值。但時間與金錢資源的本質特性不同,藉由文獻的歸納與整理,時間與金錢共有「使用方式」、「獲取來源」、「價值評量」、「預算限制」、「流通性」與「未來預期」等差異,這些差異將造成人們對時間利得與金錢利得產生不同的偏好。首先,人們偏好分離複數金錢利得,但時間的本質使得時間的價值函數為一Concave的曲線,將使人們偏好合併複數時間利得。再者,時間相對於金錢獲取容易、價值不明確以及未來預期時間充裕,造成人們偏好金錢利得更甚於時間利得,並且此一差距會隨著時間的經過而逐漸擴大。但時間實際上乃為一稀少資源,因此當人們注意到了時間的價值後,其對時間利得的偏好即會顯著提升;相對的,此一提醒的效果對金錢利得並不明顯。本研究針對此些概念進一步提出四個相對應的假設,並執行了5個實驗來進行假設驗證;而實驗結果則支持了本研究的論點。藉由本研究的研究結果,將能提供許多對於時間利得的安排以及具有時間利得與金錢利得特色的商品或服務的相關實務建議。


Both time and money are important resources, and their different characteristics lead people to have different preferences for time gains and money gain. According to the prior research, this research concluded six different characteristics of time and money, namely usage, sources, evaluation, budget, fungibility and expectation. Based on these features, this research proposed that (1)time has a different value function from money. The value function of money is a S curve; however, the value function of time is concave. It leads people to prefer integration of multiple time gains rather separation of them. (2)people obtain time without costs, and moreover, the value of time is flexible. These cause people to prefer money gains over time gains; moreover, the gap of preference between time gains and money gains would be expended over time. (3)people would increase their preference for time gains when they associate with the value of time. Five experiments were conducted to examine the arguments of this research. The results of the experiments supported all of hypotheses. Further conclusion, implication and limitation were discussed.


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