  • 學位論文


Adaptation Strategy of Taiwaness Hospital in China- Business Model of Xiamen Chang Gung Hospital

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥 陳俊忠


台商醫院在台灣面臨的是,健保的行政剝奪及敵意、資源匱乏、市場侷促、政府效能低落,而在大陸面臨的是不公平補貼、不公平稅負、不公平土地及硬體成本、不公平醫保審核及取得、不公平醫事資格制度、不公平醫事人員任用及轉移,但是相對的是巨大市場、高成長市場及具未來性、制度裂縫有機可趁、市場正在改革開放中、台灣醫院具較成熟之管理制度以及素質良好之醫事人員、較完整之醫療教育體制。因此仍是具高發展性。但是策略及商業模需要調整。廈門長庚醫院的調整商業模式為:經由尋找顧客不滿足之服務不足、安全不足、技術不足、醫療環境需求不足,廈門長庚院以自建且完整之資訊及管理系統、輔以成本控制。主要是分科管理及科獨立經營。並建立成本中心以利實務進行。一方面改變就醫流程,一方面改變行醫模式。並且在策略上以增加醫師數目,達到增加營收,並且在創院第三年達到損益兩平手段。 此模式雖須具備多元能力及強大人力投入,但是應具可行性。


Taiwanese hospital faced dilemma in Taiwan is deprivation and hostility from health insurance authorities, medical resources deficiency , limited market size, and lower governmental efficiency. Despite of the following unfairness in China, that is : subsidy, tax, land , houses, hardware ,medical insurance certification audit, medical personnel qualification and transfer ,yet, large market size, fast growing potential, good futurity ,persistent system cracks , evolving of system reform , relative competitive advantage in management and medical personnel , and better medical education system still left growing space for Taiwanese hospital. The business model of Xiamen Chang Gung hospital is : by way of searching dis satisfaction in safety, services, technique demands ,and medical facilities , management and information system was built up by herself. Cost down strategy is through division management and branch operating independency. Cost center was established for the purpose of daily practice. Reform of medical process is bimodal from both patient visiting and medical behavior. The revenue from increase of physician is more than cost increase, so it is reasonable to recruit more physicians. Profit and loss was balanced on the third year. This model need huge resources inputs ,but still remains be worth considering.


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