  • 學位論文


The Writing Arts of Trouble Time Stories in Yijianzhi

指導教授 : 康韻梅


本文以洪邁《夷堅志》中的世亂書寫為研究對象,通過知人論世與文本細讀、分析等主要方法,集中探索了《夷堅志》所反映的兩宋之際的亂世圖像,並且綜合分析了洪邁在敘述亂世時的個人關懷與敘事技巧。本文重點關注,洪邁作為士大夫,在兩宋亂世,為何耗費六十年撰寫志怪筆記《夷堅志》?為何記錄如此大量的世亂故事?興趣使然是原因之一,記錄亂世以「補史」也未嘗不是洪邁的目的。他對於靖康之變後國土淪喪、宋室南遷的屈辱,以及宋金時斷時續的戰爭帶來的亂象,必然有自己的理解和思考。而這種出於史家與士大夫「先天下之憂而憂」的責任感,會表現在他的文學創作中。《夷堅志》作為一部志怪小說,卻用大量篇幅展示兩宋的亂世之相,其中有洪邁刻意選擇的痕跡。然而學界對於《夷堅志》的關注多集中於其史料價值,或對其書寫題材進行歸納,缺乏對《夷堅志》世亂創作特殊價值的認識。因此,本文選擇世亂這一較新穎的角度切入,從題材、作意、敘事特色以及影響等方面,考察《夷堅志》世亂書寫的特色,並且藉此重新審視它在宋代文言小說以及志怪小說史上的地位及價值。 本論文共分為五章。第一章為緒論,主要闡述了本論文的問題意識,說明了本文的研究背景及研究動機,對《夷堅志》研究成果進行了文獻回顧,並進行了研究範疇、方法和框架的說明。第二至第四章為論文主體部分。第二章為「《夷堅志》的亂世圖像」,主要梳理靖康之變後,金兵南下、戰火蔓延、生靈塗炭的景像。本章結合歷史背景進行文本細讀,對小說中的大量世亂故事進行歸納和總結,解讀其歷史原因與時人的心理狀態。第三章為「《夷堅志》的亂世關懷」,主要分析故事內容與架構中所體現的洪邁的撰作心理,探討《夷堅志》反應的天命觀、倫理觀、報應觀與夷夏觀等。第四章為「《夷堅志》的世亂書寫藝術」,主要試圖以敘事學的角度,分析洪邁是如何處理《夷堅志》的世亂書寫,並使其呈現出一種不同於前朝志怪的新特色。第五章為結論,總結前文,並評估《夷堅志》世亂書寫的地位與價值。同時亦有對《夷堅志》世亂書寫研究如何更好地啟發文言小說研究有一定的省思。 本文通過細讀整理材料總結《夷堅志》的亂世亂象,以補充前人研究的空白與不足;並根據具體故事歸納洪邁以及宋人對亂世的看法、需求和關懷,以細化前人對宋人「命定」、「因果」、「姻緣」故事的看法,試圖打破以往以此作為宋代小說「迷信」、「僵化」,「無藝術價值」等固定的思維模式。世亂書寫的文化觀念實對應了亂世特有之現象,是對其的回應與反饋。同時,本文總結了《夷堅志》世亂書寫的敘事藝術,以期為後人重新審視《夷堅志》藝術價值拋磚引玉。


《夷堅志》 洪邁 亂世 敘事 文言小說


The paper focuses on the narration of the trouble times between north and South Song Dynasty in the novel named "Yijianzhi" (《夷堅志》) written by Hong Mai(洪邁) from 1127 to 1202. Research methods such as the historical analysis and intensive reading of the text are applied. Pay attention to the images in this discord period, and analyze the special care for the period by Hong Mai. in narrative gone with personal care and narrative skills. At the same time, the essay also mentions the similar subjects , contents and creating conceptions used in the later literature. The dissertation especially pays attention to the reasons that cause the writer Hong Mai, who was one of the bureaucrats of the empire, to spend almost 60 years writing the novel "Yijianzhi". Certainly, hobby is an important reason. However, the ambition of conserving history may also give him the motive for writing. Facing the time after the chaos between Song and Jin, which is named the "Event of Jingkang", Hong Mai felt very distressed and also had his unique reflections about the mundane situations full of wars, massacres, plagues and so on. The responsibility caused by the scholar-bureaucrats identity is also expressed in his novel "Yijianzhi". Though using a type of classical novel which featured ghost stories, there was a lot of space about the chaos, wars, history, social reality in "Yijianzhi".We can not ignore the signs of conscious selection by the writer. Past research only focused on the value of historical materials and the commonality of subjects in "Yijianzhi", generally lacking the recognition on its artistic value. Consequently this dissertation chooses a new perspective to analyse "Yijianzhi", which is through its subject, creation motive narrative features.The paper also re-examines its status and value in the history of the Chinese classical novel writings of the Song Dynasty. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, mainly elaborating the consciousness of problems, illustrating the research motivation and significance, research status and results in this issue. This chapter also gives literature review of former study on "Yijianzhi" and explains the research methods and framework in the paper. The second to the fifth chapter are the main parts of the paper. The second chapter is called "the chaos image in "Yijianzhi", cleaning up the image that the people are plunged into an abyss of misery after the "Event of Jingkang" based on the historical background. Large number of stories about "Event of Jingkang" are concluded and summarized to interpret the historical reasons and people's psychology. The third chapter is named "the care in the chaos time in "Yijianzhi", mainly analyzing the contents and the framework of story and the psychology of Hong Mai through discussing the reaction about the destiny view, ethic, reward and recognition, the difference between Chinese and barbarian views in the story. The fourth chapter is titled "the means of artistic expression in "Yijianzhi" about the war". The fourth chapter mainly attempts to analyze how the writer dealt with these subjects through the narrative point of views and bring the novel a new feature different from mystery stories in Song Dynasty. The fifth chapter is the conclusion which summarizes the above three chapters and evaluate the value and status about messy writing of "Yijianzhi". At the same time, this chapter explores on how to study classical Chinese novels better. Through reading materials, this paper firstly summarizes the troubled times in "Yijianzhi" so as to give supplements to the blank in this study field. Secondly based on specific stories, the paper induces the view, requirements, and care of troubled times by Hong Mai and people who lived in Song Dynasty in order to refine the previous study about the destiny, the "cause and effect" and "marriage" view of the story, trying to break the past stereotype evaluation to the Song Dynasty novels, such as "superstitious", "rigid", "of no artistic value". The writing about the trouble time actually reflects cultural conceptions and the characteristic phenomenon is the response and feedback to the chaotic period. At the same time, the paper summarizes the narrative arts of writing in "Yijianzhi" and analyzes how it is used in the descendants of classical Chinese novels, in order to re-examine the art value about "Yijianzhi".



